Reviews for Two Months in Hell
iNuQTpIe chapter 1 . 4/19/2006
Great story! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Lou chapter 1 . 2/25/2006
*sob* It ended, lol? What a shame. Oh, please continue. ...You're making me want to attend summer camp! *rolls eyes* My anti-social self and I.

;-) This is interesting-I do hope things are fairly in-character, though, as you said they were going to be the "rich brats" and the "(presumebly kind) poor"...which usually makes off for boring and unoriginal storytelling. -_-; I do hope you remain very original ans FRESH!
jimmyhere chapter 1 . 1/21/2006
(I figured I go through your stories and see what I haven't read.)

Very cool for a first chapter. Your Miroku reminds me a bit of Artemis Fowl.

I suppose I must continue.

~Jimmy G.E. ,..,
Angelo-Caduto chapter 2 . 1/15/2006
I love this story... It's awesome! I love the plot with Sango, it's seems real! So thats a cool thing, keep up the great work!
Chocobo Obsessed chapter 6 . 12/10/2005
SOTA carefully stepped off of his bed, which had springs falling out from the open bottom. He reached a hand out to the rusty old doorknob and tried to ignore the chill that ran down his spine as he did so. He slowly twisted the knob to make as little noise as possible.

A crash of glass in the kitchen threw SOTA away from his door and sent him racing back to his bed. Kyo had scared Sakura and broken something again.

Poor Kohaku, you replaced him with Sota. Gosh, he's so abused.

So! Is there going to be any RinxSesshoumaru in this? Cause, ya know, I pretty much love that pairing almost as much as Squffie.


Love ya!

Chocobo Obsessed chapter 5 . 12/10/2005

LOL. I have no idea if that's it, but that's what popped into my head during that.

This chapter PERFECTLY showed Kagome's personality.

Me likey!

Chocobo Obsessed chapter 4 . 12/9/2005
You do know that originally the strategy was that Miroku took Inuyasha's arms and Sango and Kagome took his legs, and then you made it Miroku took his legs and Sango and Kagome took his arms, right?

Just letting you know.

So, Kikyo is at camp? This is exciting! I had forgotten all about her! Gosh, I feel bad now!

And, Urusae was UGLY! So I will imagine her UGLY and FAT! Yay, she has no chance. _

(You probably are going to describe her all pretty and skinny now.)

Shut up.

Chocobo Obsessed chapter 3 . 12/9/2005
Muah! Haha, Kagome is like this little perky butterfly. LOL. It mades me giddy inside.

And, man, Sango is sad.

But, then again, I would be too if my dad was a butt hole like hers.

So, I sympathize.

I wanna see how they meet!


Chocobo Obsessed chapter 2 . 12/9/2005
DIANA! Muahaha! I am reviewing to this chapter too! Yay!

So, Inuyasha wears gold contacts... -dies- I laughed so hard at that part!

Oh, and Amy was reading some of it to! She read it out loud... haha, that's so weird.

So, Miroku reminds me of you sometimes. Like, when your being all cherry just to be annoying, yeah, like that. LOL.

So, I am off to the next chapter!

Julia Gulia aka Hoolia! LOL.
Chocobo Obsessed chapter 1 . 12/5/2005
Haha! This was funny, the Miroku part. I was laughing. And you're sitting right next to me in yearbook and you have no idea I am laughing at YOUR story! Muahaha, this makes me happy inside! W00t!

Anyway, I like this story! I feel bad for Sango though. :(



Love ya!


Or Iris...


Ooh, this was long! Fun!


Okay, I'll shut up now. _
tara chapter 6 . 12/4/2005
no one reveiws cuz its to long to read and sorry but lame
Kippikub chapter 6 . 11/28/2005
Another terrific chapter! yay! I know the new episodes of Inuyasha went off..and im very angry about that! The only other one i watch is FMA too...which is great...but Inuyasha! *sigh* why? why? sorry..anyways...great chapter! update soon!
Kippikub chapter 5 . 11/27/2005
This is an awesome compliments..its a great read..update soon...ill keep reviewing if ya keep updating..yadda know the drill!
Riz chapter 5 . 11/27/2005
I've only recently gotten into InuYasha so havent gotten to the part where Kikyo dies, but I'm counting down until she does...I mean she has her moments when shes okay but I hate how she slowed Inuyasha and Kagome's romance down..
bad-ass-cali-chick chapter 1 . 11/27/2005
such a sweet and sad story damn fluffy si still as mean as ever and kagome and snago how sad i feel sorry for them

miroku that sick bastard ew

keep it up awesome story
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