Reviews for Necessary Temptation
HP-fanfic-fan101 chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
Bible fanfiction, cool!
This is the type id story that would make one wonder 'how would history have remembered Judas if he had shown remorse ans pleaded for forgiveness from Jesus maybe also evoking the name of God just before he kissed him before the Pharisees. He would still be identifying Jesus as the one claiming to be God, but would he still have killed himself after? What would be the disciples reaction to him? Would history still call him a betrayer or treat him more like the disciple who denied Jesus 3 times when facing arrest (Peter?).
...Looks like I'm reading my copy of the Book of Judas to get an idea of all that.
I like how you portrayed Lucifer in this, the archetype for the Left Hand Man/of God. The one who does the evil deeds necessary to allow good to be done without tarnishing the benevolent image of the leader.
Temple Cloud chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
I think the tagline to this story shows the fallacy - your view of God in 'Nice Weather for Ducks' was much more convincing. God doesn't need humans (or angels/demons) to sin - he can bring good out of whatever they decide to do. On the other hand, we wouldn't expect the devil to be completely honest about what happened. Still, at least this is better than interpreting John's account to mean that Jesus HIMSELF manipulated Judas into handing him over.

In the short story 'Star Over Bethlehem' by Agatha Christie Mallowan (Collins 1965), an angel comes to a young mother, warning her how her son's life will turn out: that by the time he is a young man, he will be praying desperately for help that does not come, and he will be convicted of heresy, and hanged. And so, the angel asks, will she allow him to perform a mercy killing and take the child back to God before he has a chance to stray into sinful ways? Fortunately, Mary decides to keep her son, give him a decent God-fearing upbringing, and hope for the best...
HoratioVonBecker chapter 1 . 7/5/2017
It's not true, of course. Jesus had many, many disciples, and if a betrayal was necessary, it was statistically inevitable. More Apostles might have died on the way, however.
caz15th chapter 1 . 1/14/2011
Wow. I don't know what to say about this, except wow. It makes my head spin to consider something like this. I'm not a big believer, but the twisting way you wove this story was just... I can't describe it. Wow, wow, wow.
Rainey Dae chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
That was an odd phenomenon... I felt like I shouldn't review, because I couldn't review... enough. It's all so perfectly tainted, a chilling commentary on faith and god on the whole. How it all had to line up, so they made it line up. They? God? Those who watch over the general good of humanity, calling on Satan? But if Satan is what's best, just this one time...Not questioning the clarity of your writing there, just trying to convey the things that are intentionally vague. Wow. Or maybe I missed your point...the point I found was very meaningful either way.
P'tfami chapter 1 . 10/7/2007
From the outside looking in - Satan spinning the spiel about history's famous betrayer.

There's this fast talking, jaded feel to Satan's narrative that makes this piece quite interesting to read. On the other hand, most of the points are speculative without any solid proofs attached. The ripple effect you mention is all well and good but who's to know the whole story in the end? certainly not Mr 'merely selective with the truth'. I ought to try that line in a conversation next time.

I felt you're writing resembled a Screwtape (of C.S Lewis fame) type personality, or perhaps Anthony Crowley from Neil Gaimen/Terry Pratchett's Good Omens.

Either way, I think its an interesting topic to pursue for future projects.