Reviews for Azugirls vs The Black Hole
The-100th-Llama chapter 15 . 7/7/2017
This was a fantastic triology. Great job!
dopplerdee chapter 15 . 1/24/2016
So...beautiful... *cries*
Guest chapter 7 . 6/28/2012
In some cases, Gigamoth is the mother of Battra and Mothra.
Chris chapter 15 . 3/26/2008
DAMN, it's OVER! WHY? ARGH-ness.


Mm... i loved all three of them. you Really know how to portray characters, develop them, cross over plot lines, leave little hints as to what will happen next, and you manage to avoid the random 'ex machina' moments - there's always some sort of explanation. You're an awesome writer.

... Damn, it really is over, innit? Grr... now where ever shall I find fanfics to match your writing? ...Wait, I can't. Ah, well.

Really, awesome job on all three of these (And AzuManga Daioh IN SPACE! was an incredible read too.) Thanks for writing... and i'm looking forward to new fics. ]
Selryam chapter 15 . 9/22/2007
As ever, your fics are of the best I've ever read, in my liking and in actual... goodness. The words resonate in my soul, especially at the emotional resolution.

That you looked beyond what is showed by the author, into the depths of the characters' personalities, and formulated your own assumptions of what would likely be, makes up part of the awesome-ness of this trilogy. Who would be with who, and in what sense; what would change, and what events would cause this? Err... what I'm saying is: the emotional development of the characters is my favorite part.
Despite chapter 15 . 10/25/2006
Whoa! All that giant monster, alien/occult evil overlords, lost friends/family/lovers(?) angst...and now I just wanna know if Osaka and Tomo aren't gay. Gak! Stupid human mind...

A sensationalistically good read. There, it was so good I even invented an unlikely word!
TheSilverback chapter 15 . 8/21/2006
My hat is off to you! The first two episodes of the trilogy were vastly entertaining and this was the icing on the cake.

Lots of fun seeing the Azugirls in possibly the weirdest settings imaginable, but extremely funny and moving at the same time.

Ayumu was so well written, distinct and different from anything I have seen before, but still true to her roots. I love these stories.
Nanenna chapter 15 . 8/17/2006
A fitting end to an awesome trillogy. Well done.
Ayumu Kasuga chapter 15 . 7/27/2006

*dabs eyes with tissue* that was beautiful! D
Yue Ryong - Shadowborne chapter 15 . 7/10/2006
*Finishes a marathon read of all three stories.* ...Wow! A truly rare thing, a well-written, well thought out crossover. And yet another reason for me to actually watch the Godzilla movies.
Shiakou chapter 15 . 3/15/2006
You really do have a knack for finishing stories with things that makes them not so finished at all. Srill, it's a great read, and is going in my faves.
Section-Eight chapter 15 . 3/15/2006
*crawling along like a huge stream of malevolent, glowing molasses.

This, folks, is what this story is all about: sweet, sappy, evil.

*“Found it,” he announced weakly, then fainted into Yomi’s arms.

And you thought OsakaXTomo was weird...

*Once the Monster King’s head disappeared beneath the waves, Caesar looked around and, finding nothing to fight, sagged with disappointment and shuffled back towards Okinawa.

At least he got his appearance fee.

*Chiyo stared at her for a moment, eyes bleary and confused. “I’m sorry,” she finally asked, “Is that my name?”

...Well, didn't see that coming. I'll hold off on killin' ya for now.

*The memories, they’re… colorless.”

Wow. You one-ringed her.

*Maya hopped down and cast a bland look up at her that said, This is truly revolting and neither of us have any part in it. I’ll be expecting you to come by your room and give me a belly-rub soon.

I imagine him having the voice of Schwartzenegger.

*“We should get together with them sometime. I think you’d love her.”

I suspect it would cause some sort of explosion.

*Even hours later, when she went out running with Kagura,

*spew* Wow. She really HAS grown.

*“Nobody will sic agents on us or kidnap us or astrally visitate us anyway, because officially, all of us guys don’t matter one bit to anyone. Well, to anyone important, anyway.”

Which is why they have a starring role in (BLAM!)



*“Oh, that’s easy. The proper Soul of Light found it this time and carried it to Birth Island as planned. Actually, we know her. Do you remember Chihiro?”

Made. My. Day.

*“Why does nobody remember Chihiro? And no, no more questions.”

Wow. That's some 'unsolved mystery' if not even SHE knows the answer.

* “Whatsa matter?” Tomo asked. “Never seen a zombie before?”

You bastard. I knew it was coming and STILL didn't see it! Not even with the "badass cop" line! I thought it was Yukia or something! Argh!

*Kagura slammed on the brakes, bringing them to a skidding halt at the old summer home site.

You just KNOW she's got a rally car.

*Chiyo sat in the sand,

And how in blazes did I not see this symbolism coming?


Porpise, although "like an idea with fixed intent" does work.

*“Sorry.” Chiyo rubbed her eyes. “I’m sorry. I keep having this dream where I’m turning into a tree… wow, it’s just… it’s amazingly vivid.”

Oh, for the love're so cruel!

*“It was probably something you ate,” Kagura advised. chest...

*Tomo looked out to sea and watched the last band of purple twilight fade. She smiled a little, showing nothing of her usual crazed energy. “Me neither.”

So, if, metaphorically, this is the astral beach of doom, does this mean they all get eaten by vampire ghosts now?
Lady Tiger chapter 15 . 3/15/2006
*stare* Wow. Just... That has got to be one of the most unfufilling endings I have ever read. I mean, yay, the bad guys are defeated and hostages returned to earth, but it seems like everyone lost something towards the end. Chiyo lost her memories, Yomi (figuratively) lost Tomo, and Tomo lost her innocence! The day may have been won, but the emotional toll almost made it not worth it. Sigh, though, I was waiting breathlessly for this to finish, it's almost seems not finished.

Other than that though, I like how some of the other characters got closure. Sakaki (ecchi!) and Jumbo. Kaori and Xandra. Even Maya and Fluffy. So, yeah. Good job. Kinda.


The Tigress
Shiakou chapter 14 . 3/9/2006
It is Brilliant!
M Shadowy chapter 14 . 3/8/2006


Burninating the planetside... !

Burninating tha evils... !

Burninating all the Monsters...

... in the thatched roof cottages!

Tatched roof cottages!


I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.

How terribly embarrasing.
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