Reviews for Love and Death
Shine chapter 13 . 3/31/2017
Why did it have to end there? [TT] Please tell me that you plan on continuing this series after a decade's break. I NEED more! [Great story, BTW]
Sara J chapter 1 . 3/31/2017
I know it's a little late [by more than a decade], but you have the talent of capturing the reader's attention and making them want to binge-read. I rarely review, but couldn't help it. I enjoy reading lots of your stories and hope that you will continue with the amazing work.
thelastunicorn chapter 13 . 7/18/2011
i loved this story. it is really good. i can't wait for the next chapter come out soon.
Kilala-Lover-forever chapter 13 . 5/4/2011
you are doing great! keep it up, i want to see what happens next...PLZ
xBeautifullyxxShatteredx chapter 13 . 4/4/2009
OMG! this story is amazing! it's sad to see that you haven't continued it though...
twilight2411 chapter 13 . 4/20/2008
please update soon!

and please let sasuke and naruto get together!

they cant die!
shirilyle chapter 13 . 11/6/2007
what goin to happened will he die? plez continue
timme chapter 13 . 10/25/2007
"in a bush, now be quiet"

that was a great line. :)
timme chapter 10 . 10/25/2007
why do you have the girls acting like helpless invalids? they may not be very good but they are ninjas; even a civilian would be less trouble.
timme chapter 3 . 10/25/2007
sakura RAN? pathetic...but in character.
IceAlkhuan chapter 13 . 9/28/2007
ivokashi chapter 13 . 7/4/2007
Ow, for the love of yaoi! UPDATE!11! *3*

pleety pleaase OwO
MikaUchiha chapter 13 . 6/18/2007
Please update soon! I REALLY want too see whats is going to happen next!
i love athrun chapter 13 . 1/25/2007
RedFirePhoenix chapter 13 . 1/22/2007
now kyuubi seems nice. you better not kill him!
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