Reviews for Indiana Kim and the Dreidel of Doom
Alulain P chapter 1 . 2/10/2019
Love it!
DeadAsOf2017 chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
I LOVED this story and the thing with shego had me dying
Anthony1l chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
This story is hilarious, interesting, original, touching, and unique. This shows a great behind the scene look of the relationship of Kim and Ron.
EnterpriseCV-6 chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
this would have made a AWESOME episode for season four it was as heck and if somebody tried to do this my girlfriend (I'm single by the way but if I ever do get a gf) you guys can take a good bet that the person would probably end up in your house one way or another just so you're forewarned :D :P
Shrike176 chapter 1 . 8/17/2009
First off, great story. I especially enjoyed Ron; amazing what he can do with a little confidence.

Though, I have to ask, why does Mrs. Stoppable seem to (sometimes literally) play the villain more often than not in your stories? The early bit where Kim compares her to a villain made me wondering about this. I kind of get the impression she's at least somewhat based on someone else; just a feeling.

It's always nice to see shared trauma bring a relationship together. Kim's kitchen revelation was one of my favorite moments. Not that that excuses Barbara's behavior throughout the entire evening. If it wasn't for Ron, I imagine Kim would have walked out much earlier, and she would have been right to do it. I know being a host can be stressful, but that doesn't make it ok to treat a guest like she's the hired help; taking her things without asking, barking orders and letting relatives take shots at her. If Kim was the hired help for the evening, I imagine it would have been Barbara Jo's food that had... a little something extra in it. :)

It was nice to see Ron discipline Shawn; I was reminded of a story by Waveform in which Shawn does actually go supervillain. Though, if Shawn's parents aren't willing to control their own child, one of Ron's parents really should have stepped in.

On Ron's part I'd say he was incredibly easy on his mom after the way she acted. If my mother had ever spoken to one of my girlfriends like that at 17 I would have read her the riot act, several times over. I'd say you can love your parents and still make it clear they don't get to treat your girlfriend like trash.

Another great job, keep up the good work!
Katsumara chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
Never reviewed this? Holy cow, I'm insane!

Anyway, I loved this. Talk about a crazy family! I'm glad Ron finally put Shawn in his place. That was just too hilarious! I laughed rather hard at that. "EAT IT!"

Great work as always, MrDrP. Sorry for the late review!
Danny-171984 chapter 1 . 10/18/2007
What an eventful night. Why would they (Ron's family) act that way? Seriously wrong. I'm glad Ron teached that little bastard a leasson. I so wanted to kick his ass. Well, until next time.

Kipcha chapter 1 . 5/18/2007
Aw, I loved it... DEATH TO COUSIN SHAWN!
CastaS chapter 1 . 10/16/2006
great story i enjoyed it.
Brother to Vorlons chapter 1 . 4/26/2006
The story that demanded to be told. Once Ron, in his formative years, found a home away from home, there was never any doubt that he would leave Kim's side again.

Since I have a hard time picturing Mrs. Stoppable actually 'taking' the kimmunicator away from Kim if she'd so much as firmly insisted on keeping it, I have to ask, was that - with the reference to only villains having taken it from her before - a deliberate bit of foreshadowing of what was to come? If so, take a bow. It was brilliant.

"I want you back down in ten minutes." I wonder if Mrs. Stoppable has ever seen "Starship Troopers?"

Managed to get in a little swipe at the Kigo community there, I note.

And Ron, who probably previously 'feared' Cousin Shawn as a purely conditioned reaction, reacting as he did in Kim's defense. The perfect touch to this very nice Kim-ron relationship exploration piece. A definite winner.
Aero Tendo chapter 1 . 4/25/2006
LOL! Now this was so good that it was SCARY!

Cousin Shawn was evil alright! He was practically Dennis the Menace made evil! I wonder what Kim's tweeby brothers would have done if they had also been along... joined in? or gotten revenge on Shawn for attacking their sis?

Well, it was good to see Kim giving Ron's mother a second chance. :)
AtomicFire chapter 1 . 2/2/2006
I remember the first time I put the fear of god into one of my soon to be criminal little cousins... this brought back many good memories.

I like the way you brought KP down but in an unusual way.

Thanks for the great read!
righteousindignation chapter 1 . 2/1/2006
Wow, this was really well done! Bravo! This was such a fun read (i know, it's a bit late...February coming just 'round the corner lol), but still it was so funny how you brought in Shawn, Reuben (lawyers...bleh), and the rest of the Stoppable clan into this funny shot of family life. No wonder Ron prefers being w/ the Possibles! BTW, catchy title! Keep up the good work!
Brony1984 chapter 1 . 1/25/2006
That was so the drama. But an excellent story nonetheless. Keep it up.
whoopsie chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
Well...I don't know what to say...LOVED IT. I'm Jewish and my mom wants me to have a Jewish boyfriend. mom's like Mrs. Stoppable right there. It was awesome what you made Ron do to Shawn. He deserved what was coming. The family seems so evil. Where did Ron get all his nice-ness?
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