Reviews for Deligo Sanguis
KagomeGirl021 chapter 16 . 7/25/2017
It's been almost 9 years since the last update! Please say you will finish this fic! I want to see how they destroy voldemort and what will happen after its all over. Please please write more!
ZianaSue chapter 16 . 5/3/2015
It would be wonderful if you finished the story, I've found it to be a most interesting read so far. I would like to see how harry defeats the moldy cheese snake man use vampire magics, or muggle weapons. It would be most ironic, I think, should he die by muggle techniques when he hates muggles oh so much, and to be killed by a vampire using muggle methods, lol. Interesting back story there with Dumbledore and vampire prejudices. When I have always pictured his family as having vampire blood mixed interbreed into it.
angeleyes1984 chapter 16 . 1/3/2015
Is this finished
natsuki23 chapter 16 . 4/6/2014
Oh dear, I wonder if Draco really will stay behind as Harry 'orders' him to? Please update soon!
SuperSaiyanTeemo chapter 16 . 6/23/2013
Lol, would love to see how harry deals with voldemort
Beathprincess23 chapter 16 . 5/22/2013
Good story I like when harry be bad boy , so when are you final this story now
Emerald-Pen chapter 16 . 5/17/2013
Please update!
azure sea chapter 16 . 5/6/2013
wow, this story gets better and better! :D the first few chapters i must admit that they were a bit fast and not so detailed for me, ie. harry's and draco's get-together. i would have liked more explanations or exploration in this field. but the last few chapters were quite good :)
i really liked it when harry turned draco. and i find it good that you mentioned the jealous rage consequence in the later chapters, too.
please update again! i look forward to read more of it!

azure sea
Madison chapter 15 . 2/20/2013
Okay, so here's they deal this had been a really good fiction, but that is just their point it had been. This ending sucks, it's seems like you got really lazy and just wanted to finish the story... Bitch
LittleLunasLullaby chapter 16 . 11/11/2012
i absolutly love this ff!
i cant wait for the next chaps :)
Rennasakura chapter 4 . 6/25/2012
My sentiment exactly! 'what the...?' it was rather sudden for Draco to suggest that right ?
Lynn92 chapter 16 . 6/8/2012
Woh, what a story! Please continue this.
cyiusblack chapter 16 . 1/21/2012
update soon
AlexBSChris chapter 16 . 7/6/2011
I love your story keep writing.
Demiaria chapter 16 . 7/16/2010
Love it.
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