Reviews for Scarlet
danda17 chapter 1 . 10/20/2010
wows! this was pretty good! keep up the good work! )
browneyes730 chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
good job :D
MidnightDaybreak chapter 1 . 8/22/2006
OMG that was so freaking cute. I liked it a lot, but wish it had been longer. You did a good job, I feel happy now.

-Ryu "Kawaii Koinu" Jonesu
VampiressBeauty20 chapter 1 . 7/8/2006
I loved this, thank you so much for reviewing! I actually like SetoxTea fanfic's, this was very well written,


I promise to update soon!
Angel Of Noctem chapter 1 . 6/1/2006
Cute! :)
twilight eyes 8120 chapter 1 . 5/6/2006
You know, I get a lot of people kicking and screaming at me to review. I am so awful at being consistent with it. Here I sit, reading stories and never throwing in my two cents worth.

Your review of my story made me want to read your stories. Especially when you said you know about wonderful college... I have to give you credit-a summer semester would kill me. I'm pretty much ready to put a period at the end of this semester and move on with life. is my review, I think I babbled enough don't you?

First, I appreciate good grammar and words... I am such a word fan... and you really did well, I was quite impressed.

I think this was a very good. (Though I must confess I did cringe when I read 'bridal style'-pet peeve of mine.) I like how you led the reader through the whole tale from the future looking back. Not many people attempt that and you handled it perfectly. I also love your symbolism with the pink curtains! Well done!

It was a different way of bringing her to Seto as well-and Yugi and company shutting her out You came up with something unique and I did enjoy the read. Your story, grammar and spelling all get thumbs up from me and I think I'll read more of your work. I'm impressed...

FireAkuma chapter 1 . 3/20/2006
I found your one-shot to be well thought out and with plenty of details. I loved it.
Rosetta chapter 1 . 2/12/2006
Very short and very sweet. Aww, that's so cute at how Tea and Seto came to be. I would have blushed if I would have writen that part where she was dancing! Like I said in other reviews, I am not that inclined at keeping a very rounded story. You are truly amazing as an author! KEEP IT UP!

The Goddess of the Madhouse chapter 1 . 1/28/2006
hey. That was actually pretty good.
Sifirela chapter 1 . 1/13/2006
You know what I have to say about this story anyway! Lol I do love it. Naughty naughty! lol

Very good!

Asake chapter 1 . 1/12/2006
Wow. That really was incredible. As much as I love them, I'm glad you pulled away from the regular story plot. It's written incredibly well, please write some more stories!
Almandine-Azaleea chapter 1 . 1/12/2006
That was really well- written. Simply lovely. _