Reviews for Corazón Salvaje
An adoring fan chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
Im still here! Please please please update because I just cant wait to know the end! :D Love this fic! And love you and your beautiful mind for writing this! XD
an adoring fan chapter 1 . 9/15/2017
Please Complete this beautiful story... it has been 5 years since I've seen it on Spuffy Realm and I still remember it and as i re-read it over and over again I can't help but be sad that seeing it to the end might not be possible. ( Please Please Please! Please consider completing this fic!

PS. Hope Don Rodrigo De Alcazar is alive and ready to kick some butt! XD
koizora chapter 50 . 12/26/2015
nice story? how s the end?
tosin chapter 50 . 9/25/2012
please i'll like to read the rest of the chapter
InkSparksFire chapter 50 . 1/27/2010
Beyond wonderful. I started reading one of your stories the other day, and since then I've been staying up until ridiculous hours hours to read your work (coffee is a wonderful substitute for a night with more than four hours sleep), and I've read almost all of your stories. All I can say it that you are, without a doubt, fantastic. :) love, love love. Don't you dare ever stop writing!
cherrylilly chapter 50 . 1/26/2010
Please update this amazing story!
Inveigler chapter 50 . 8/18/2009
Ah! What happens next? What happens next?

I just spent this entire day reading this wonderful, delightful story, and I was so heartbroken when I reached the end (so far).

Hurray for Buffy finally standing up to Aimee! And hurray for Rodrigo getting his freedom! I can't wait for the father/sons reunion. And the wedding, can't forget the wedding.
C-Berry chapter 50 . 5/15/2009
I was so happy when you updated recently. I was literally jumping up and down. I cannot wait for another captivating chapter to be posted.
Itanaru101 chapter 50 . 4/14/2009



rkm chapter 50 . 2/15/2009
i knew this would be good, and i wasn't disappointed! of course, love the buffy/spike stuff - heart-melting when one of their first meetings saw buffy wanting to know spike as a person. love that buffy finally stood up to her sister - with the support of her fiance and maria, she's finally growing into her own. love that giles found rodrigo - will be an interesting partnership - can't wait for their games to begin (who said excitement is wasted on the young?)! i feel badly for angel, but hopefully a bit more realness will help sooth his heart regarding his spiteful wife - cordelia step in please ... really enjoying story, and i'm so glad we get to read more! yea!
amy-the-rat chapter 50 . 2/12/2009
An update! Hooray! *throws confetti*

What I liked: Giles' conversation with Roderigo - he needs a confidante and it's good to see teo people simply being friends. Buffy standing up to Aimee. She may be the sweeter, more harmless sister, but seeing her kick ass (even just verbally) is always welcome.

What I was less crazy about: The haste in getting the couple married. I want to see Buffy and Spike happily married as much as the next reader, but don't you think you're rushing it a little? Darla's imminent demise - she may not be the best person, but she's also one of the more interesting personas you've created, determined and cunning without being pointlessly malicious.

Just pair Buffy and Darla against Aimee, Giles and the De Alcazar men against Snyder, sit back, and let the fireworks commence.

...I need popcorn for this fic. Seriously.
TriGemini chapter 50 . 2/11/2009
Great chapter!

Sounds like Aimée is determined to do whatever it takes to keep her sister Buffy and William apart. Even though, it was about time that Aimée realized, that Buffy wasn't going to let her sister ruin the relationship between her and William. Not to mention, it's about time that Buffy stood-up to her selfish sister and put Aimée in her place.

However, that doesn't mean that Aimée won't stop plotting from attempting to sabotage the relationship between Buffy and William.

So Rodrigo made it to Rupert's home without trouble, that's good. Of course, it's not surprising that Rupert would fill-in the many years that Rodrigo has been gone with details of what's been happening then and now. The two old friends also seem to be plotting, as well. For it leaves me in suspense to learn what those two are up to.

Can't wait to find out, what'll happen next.

Therefore, looking forward to more. Until then.
WingedBlack chapter 50 . 2/10/2009
Oh My GOSH! Amazing! Amazing! I can't wait for the next chapter! I hope your muse doesn't let us down!
HilaryHilary chapter 50 . 2/10/2009
I still love this story. I'm excited to see how it ends!
maychelle chapter 49 . 10/4/2008
oh my god! you have to update this story! i really wanna know what's gonna happen next. do update as soon as possible, yeah? love ya!
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