Reviews for Accident
OneAppleLeaf chapter 1 . 1/3/2017
why? ;_;
oh God, you make a very heartfelt story that squished my heart till it dry
TheImaginativeFox chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
I'm crying, this was so sad and so well written. I loved Roy's reactions and how he thought of what Dick would say at the funeral, and how you wrote Alfred checking on them. And that last line was great, but poor Roy. Like, that's a lot to handle, and wow. Great work!
IanPeriwinkle chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
TT-TT You have no idea how sad that made me...
purplerose9793 chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
:) Great job
Chcoholic chapter 1 . 4/21/2009
Wow...that's so...sad...

but at the same time,its soo cool...

you made roy do drugs bcoz of dick...


its a GREAT story!

do you have a sequel?
Shadowed Night Sky chapter 1 . 11/22/2008
This story was so tragic and beautiful! The ending was brilliant! Good job.
TheDudeLordOfFantasy chapter 1 . 9/2/2007
Well that was wonderfully depressing to tell you the truth. Beautiful in such a heart-breaking way. The ending...superb.

"He bought his first fix of heroin." I applaud your astonishing brilliance.

I only found one issue with the medical workings (I'm a chronic nit picker, sorry) Organs have to be harvested while the person's body is still living. That’s one of the main reasons it's so hard to find organs. If the blood isn't pumping oxygen the organs become just as dead. Comatose or clinically brain dead patients have the best chance of usable organs(it's also another reason why families of patients have such a hard time letting go...the body still lives while the mind dies...tragic really) If Dick was completely dead then it would be a waste of time and money to try and use his organs.

So with that little bump out of the way I would like to once again sing my praises to this delightful death fic...they truly are so hard to come by...An epilogue would be greatly appreciated...


TheDudeLordOfFantasy a.k.a. Kathleen
LunaticFridgeDiva chapter 1 . 8/23/2006
you... you are so evil...

you made me want to cry... but i didnt... i wanted to...

Any way, this was bloody brilliant... if you made me want to almost cry you know you've done a great job!
Rai-st1 chapter 1 . 2/18/2006
You had me the entire story, I was hooked, seriously hooked, my chest started pounding when dick went cold. I read and reread parts as the suspense caused me to skip parts of the sentence. The funeral was exactly what Dicks funeral would have been at that age.

Then I read the last sentence and thought "What the fu?"

Seriously - it totally changes the tone of the entire story. Yes Roy is feeling sorry for himself but why does everyone always have him reach for the smack attack? That last part wrecked what was untill that moment one of your best stories, and I've read everything you've put on here. Ah well, I guess that's why they call writing an art, not everyone appreciates every painting either.

Maybe I'll feel differently after reading the sequel.
kokomocalifornia chapter 1 . 1/25/2006
wow! that was wow. creative and well written. wow!
LuoLiBei chapter 1 . 1/24/2006
Man! How sad! Guh, but really realistic seeming, I could believe it was happening to any two random teenagers. How terrible to have gotten that phone call about your son, but luckily he was okay and just inspired the story idea, not the ending. I was waiting for the death since there was the warning so it wasn't a surprise at all but still sad. That's the problem with deathfics. If you don't warn people they may get really angry at you for letting them read something sad, but if you tell then there's no surprise and the story loses some of the impact. Knowing it was a deathfic I knew there had to be some internal injury that was going to pop up later (though I wondered if maybe you were going to pull something weird out of your hat like Batman getting killed because he was distracted after hearing about the accident), but if I hadn't known I'd probably be expecting the story to end with them being yelled at and a lecture on being safe when driving and maybe you'd've driven some tears out of me.

I like how you handled the death, no crazy dramatics, the cold facts of organ donation, kind of quiet shock, trying to make Roy feel better so he wouldn't blame himself, which of course doesn't work at all. I didn't hurt anyone when I totalled my car but man was I inconsolable and not in the mood to hear how it could happen to anyone (also, airbags and seatbelts really do hurt, though I'm sure slamming my head into the steering wheel would've hurt more). I liked how Roy was thinking about how Dick would react, funny and understanding but sad, and how he was interpretting everyone's reactions, judging them, probably right but still colored to make his pain worse or like he deserved to be sad more than them. It was kind of like he really wants someone to blame him so he can be angry at them instead of just blaming himself. Though that makes it seem like he was trying to avoid the blame and it wasn't said like that, I just think on a deeper level that's how he was thinking considering he chose to take an "easy" way out of his feelings. Very believeable that it'd result in Roy turning to drugs. I don't know if someone blaming him would've given him something else to hold on to instead of turning to drugs or if it would've encouraged him to use drugs even more, hard to say what he was really really thinking that led him to accept the man's offer to get high. I suppose it is a good thing in a story, making the reader think.
DecadentPlaything chapter 1 . 1/23/2006
NOw THAT, was beautiful.. It captured the feeling of tragic loss, loneliness, anger, fun, and sadness...
Elli chapter 1 . 1/23/2006
OMG, that was *so* tragic. After the accident I was so relieved thought maybe someone else died but than poor Dick feeling tired, darn. This really was heartbreaking for everyone involved. Any chance of an alternative ending though? One where Dick lives? Would be interested in seeing everyones reactions - maybe Roy also resorting to drugs but Dick helping him through it (similar to the comic). Just an idea. Anyway really enjoyed this and your other stories, just recently found your fics and have been reading through them all thanks for the great reads.