Reviews for The Moon and Antartica
Tyler chapter 9 . 11/29/2012
Fucking beautiful. I don't even know why honestly but I teared up on almost every chapter. Good job. Actually, great job.
MMfolife chapter 2 . 4/29/2010
Ah i wrote that last review when i couldn't even type... What I meant to say was the story reminds me of my life with your mom dying and the whole depressed suicidey thing.
MMfolife chapter 1 . 5/5/2009
Im crying really bad this is excacly my life story word for word i now no its a horrible life and im not the only one who luives it.. im not lying.
Icey the Fox chapter 5 . 2/3/2009
Hey, I've been meaning to read this story since I saw it a couple years ago, and only just got around to starting it. When I first found it, I had listened to Good News for People who Love Bad News, so I was interested, but then I decided that I should wait until I'd heard The Moon and Antartica.

Honestly, this story is so good so far. I mean, it is a bit dark for my taste at times, but for the most part it really captures a believable feeling. This chapter was definitely my favourite, if only for the clever ways you dropped song-lines in, particularly the whole, "I can feel it rolling right on down a right on down my throat" bit with the coke. Awesome.

There are a few mistakes. Once or twice you mix up 'to' and 'too', and in this chapter there was one sentence that you seemed to just drop in out of nowhere... lemme find it... uh,

"The drive through the RV park on their way out."

Yeah, it seemed really out of place. Still, for the most part, the grammar and the flow were really good.

I don't know if you still write on here anymore, or if you'll ever get this review. Still, I would love to see the story finished. I mean, it's refreshing if only because it's nice to know that there's another FFTA writer with a taste for alt and indie music. Personally, I'm curious to see how you would interpret Wild Pack of Family Dogs into a chapter...

Either way, great work on this story. Thanks for posting it, and I hope that you're still writing today, 'cause this is good.
Retired writer-Hazard 13 chapter 8 . 2/28/2006
...well done. seriously. Even if song fics aren't actually allowed. Anyway, I won't be the one to report it.