Reviews for Full Circle
Fullshadow chapter 3 . 5/27
This is the time I read the story. I can't help it. I just love it so much.
susushi896 chapter 36 . 5/24
i know this story ended over 10 years ago, but i feel like i stumbled upon a hidden gem. thank you so much for the read !
AmunRa chapter 36 . 5/3
Awww... such a nice ending to this superb story. I enjoyed it, and the way you wrote the Roy/Ed relationship, very much.
AmunRa chapter 14 . 4/29
I've run into this story off and on in various searches for years. I've always resisted reading it, because I'm not a fan of AUs or relationships (Ed/Roy, Ed/Winry, doesn't matter). I finally decided to give it a try and I am so glad I did.

I love the way you write. Your prose is effortless, tells the story it needs to with just the right amount of details, and it draws the reader into the story completely. The plot is very unique, but what I really like is how you write Auric/Ed. It's how I imagine a grown up, mature, and self-assured Edward. I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes.

Thank you for sharing!
MILHARU chapter 1 . 2/25
I so loved gris fic! The way u wrote it, the relationship pd royo and ed! The plot esa fantastic, id like a secuel eheheheh
Nella Moonblood Royalle chapter 36 . 2/12
this is one of the most awesomely written fic, ive ever read in such a long time
thank you for sharing this awesomeness to us author-san!
you have broaden my perception towards this series and also the real world, THANK YOU!
all da best in everything, and i shall look forward to your other work!
Mike COVID-19 chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
I don't hate gay relationships but I feel uncomfortable reading about it. I read upto chapter 12 before quitting.
Guest chapter 21 . 5/10/2019
fuck yes, i fucking ship it, yessss
Guest chapter 16 . 5/10/2019
A note chapter 10 . 12/28/2018
Josh Groban is my dad's oldest friend's kid (virtually my cousin), so I was psyched to see this.
Emily chapter 23 . 12/1/2018
Hey there,

No idea if you even check back here, looks like you haven't updated in awhile. Just wanted to let you know how much I still love this story. I'm coming back to it for the fifthish time after I discovered it aaaaages ago. Still one of my absolute favorite fma stories.
Fullshadow chapter 36 . 10/30/2018
I'm not one that thanks that there was something like love with Ed and Roy, but I did like the story. You're a good story tellr
Anon121 chapter 34 . 8/2/2018
cuylerjade chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
I read this story when you originally published it (and good grief was it hard waiting for each new chapter). It is, by far, my very favorite fanfiction. I love the slow build, the character development and the relationships. How real it reads.

Whenever I have a hard day (week, year, life) I reread this story. It helps to soothe all the jagged edges of my soul. Thank you for this story. I cannot begin to explain just how much I adore it and how many times it has helped to ease my descent into depression.

You truly have an amazing ability to tell stories and I am honored to have the privilege of reading your work.
niyushi takamiya chapter 36 . 6/17/2018
This is the best fanfiction in the world. I've read it so many times over the years and I still love it. I had never left you a review, in fact I got to know your story by the translation of MARYLOVER in Spanish. I found it in 2013 and today I reread the story. I love the RoyEd pairing and I have read many fics over the years but yours is still my favorite. The world and the personalities of this wonderful story were so complex and rich in details and with a twist to the story in such an original way. My respects, you have a magnificent imagination and a gift to write. You have my eternal gratitude.
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