Reviews for Black Unicorn
K chapter 11 . 10/19/2018
How dare u! The story was perfect as is! I loved it then u threw in the last chapter! It kinda turns me off from ever reading any of your stuff again. Sorry but u ruined it.
Guest chapter 7 . 10/13/2018
Seriously, Sabrina! Giving away your children? Haven’t you ever heard of contraceptive pills or condoms? Don’t birth so many children that you can’t raise them.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/11/2017
Go xanada
Guest chapter 11 . 8/28/2017
There are so much heart-aching scenes, but you wrote the chapter really good.
fanfictionfan123456789 chapter 1 . 7/9/2016
Wow he lives in Canada
sarahsezlove chapter 1 . 6/30/2016
I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to read something where basic things such as main characters - Dumbledore and Weasley - are misspelt from the first paragraph.
Shame, because the premise of the story looks good.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/18/2016
This is amazing!

But I will never forgive you for the sad ending, I swear!
my deathly hallows chapter 11 . 6/27/2015
i really liked it. very sad tho, i cried. but it was a really good i hope you make a sequel if you didnt already
shadowcat ninja chapter 11 . 11/23/2014
Ooooooh what happens next I have to know
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2014
I'm not trying to judge Canadians or anything one of my best friends is but CANADA?! Seriously?! Snape a Canadian, I'll never get the picture of him as a mounty out of my mind...oh Merlin..
A friend chapter 11 . 2/21/2014
Of all the fucking times I had to read this chapter, it had to be in the middle of the night..
I will be having nightmares about burning bodies for months now.. But anyway, this is a brilliant story and it had a lot of unexpected plot twists, keep up the brilliant work!
paty chapter 11 . 11/4/2013
ow! Im crying like a baby! :S Its soooo sad, please, please, please, write a sequel.
Kliched Kat chapter 11 . 10/9/2013
Shit, I signed up for fluff and got the worst type of pain. Just... shit. Good writing, loved it too pieces, you're an amazing writer but... shit. I need to go curl up in a dark corner and simply "feel" for a bunch of characters that I grew to love in roughly 10,000 words. Great job at, you know, ripping out my heart (and I would not be surprised if you ate it too). Just... shit.
ana chapter 11 . 6/2/2013
oh god! por Sev, por Susan, but wait... what hapend with Little Stephen, oh no! please you have to write a sequel, please! :'( , I realy loved the role of Severus on this fic, brother, uncle and baby brother and the brilliant idea of riddle taking away Sev, I'd like to know more about it, so please go for it and keep writing!
Jeeun chapter 11 . 7/10/2012
I really hope you would write a sequel for this story. Or maybe a revised version of this story? I like the idea of Severus being a loving Son, brother, uncle, having a very dark past, which he can't possibly have any control over, Harry experiencing firsthand the mask Severus had to wear for so long, etc, etc, and the significance of the Black Unicorn was really great, I liked that part of the story very much. But really Severus and Dumbledore, how could they be that dumb? Let me rephrase that, how could they even think that Voldy won't be suspicious or be watching the Snapes in a way, and not put any kind of protection around the house? Or was it one of Dumbledore's 'magnificent' plans for Severus to acknowledge his hidden powers? So the massacre of the Snapes was a necessary evil? And I'm guessing since Susan was the 'last' of the family alive that Bella killed the family by age, so what happened to Stephen? If not by age, then was the order male to female? Maybe irrelevant question, but I'm quite curious really. And the only people that have survived are the magical ones. Not one non-magical has survived. This is a magical story, but still, not one? I hardly think that killing every single loved one, and a possibility of a happy family would have a positive effect on Severus, Harry or Susan. Motivated to kill, yes, but for any happiness? No hope at all? They have each other, yes, but the guilt? The obvious depression? Yes they are in a war, but the Snapes haven't even had the chance to know the truth about Severus and his world, Bella did tell them something, but that was too twisted. And I really hope that Bella and Gang are all dead. Because if they have survived, then I'm sorry to say I'll have to hunt you down and strangle you or yell at you, demanding why and WHY would you even let them have a chance of survival when none of the Snapes have? Just because they have magic CANNOT be an excuse! Maybe a sequel won't be necessary. Maybe the touch of Severus's angel would be sufficient enough for my mental health really, that all is well, and eventually they will overcome all the madness and find that light in the all so dark life they had and have to endure. But really sequel is absolutely crucial for I really want Voldy dead! And really REALLY want Severus, Harry and Susan to have at least a little bit of a chance to have some kind of happiness in the future. OR, I'm shuddering to even think this, but Severus isn't dead is he? You didn't kill him did you? Okay, I DEMAND A SEQUEL! I'll stop my rant now... Haha... :);;;;;;;;;
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