Reviews for Interesting Topic
Asuriel chapter 3 . 5/30/2019
Great story, thank you for writing it.
Pheonix09 chapter 3 . 3/11/2013
That was awesome, hilarious and excellent, I loved it and nice job but you need to continue this please
Pheonix09 chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
Oh Dranzer is a girl
rachel-serene chapter 3 . 4/3/2009
I am absolutely in splits...A protective and jealous Kai is got to be the most sweet thing to read.

Hey, that was clever you left them without any punishment.

“Why do you know his name?” -this is my favourite line from this fiction,I told you a jealous kai is the best it can get.

It was hilarious,plus you quoted so many real tyka it.

TyKa rules.

keep writing!
HufflepuffGleek chapter 3 . 10/20/2008
So cute and Romantic
miaceves chapter 3 . 11/6/2007
YaoiYaoiYeah chapter 3 . 2/20/2007
O.o Now Hiro sounds like one of those psycho girlfriend. O.o

Hell, I need to stop watching detective thrillers on TV
DevilMadeYouCry chapter 3 . 9/26/2006
i think Kai and Ty should get revenge they almost embaressed them 2 death
RyuNeko chapter 3 . 8/4/2006
No! .
Cryysis chapter 3 . 7/31/2006
Awesome, I like it Don't stop writing! I like ypour stories! Cya!
NKingy chapter 3 . 7/30/2006
Don't stop writing! I know how you feel when I started writing I was hopeless, all you need is some confidence and maybe a grammer checker, but please don't stop writing!

Chappie was really good, Gramps is always weird so the ooc of him works!
Devil Subaru Chan chapter 3 . 7/30/2006
Oh you need to make Tyson and Kai get revenge. I don't know how but you need to or rather they need to. Maybe THEY can talk about who would be would for who or maybe something else. But anyway great chapter.

_~ Subaru_Chan ~_

Ja! ' Take Care!
Experimental Angel234 chapter 3 . 7/30/2006
This fic is so cute! Andrea wouldn't stop bugging me until we read a Tyka beuase you know I'm a rabid TyRe fan(Andrea: I still hate Rei that stupid furball he can go to hell for all I care Alex:;; Anger issues) THANK YOU FOR UPDATING THIS! I thought Andrea would never leave me alone!

Andrea:*Stops her trian of thought of trying to find out how to kill Rei and make a beliveabel excuse why's he dead* Hey!'

Alex, please give your comment!

Alex: Right...the summary was okay but update it too and the story's wicked! Man and I thought your idea was horrible!

Andrea: Oh yeah, that time she hand cuffed you and Rob together to get along.

Tina: That was a one heck of an adventure! And Rob had a beybalde match and Alex had to go to school. And A LOT of people got the worng idea.

Andrea: *Sweatsdrop as she watches Tina scream bloody murder as Robert chases her*...oh, here *Hands Light Maiden Tyson plushie* gives off light! If pissed, will try and blind you.

Anyway, Ja ne! Um, if Robert comes over to you chasing Tina can you tell him to stop? Tina has silveris-darkish blue hair and dark green eyes. She wears a white and black striped tee and a jacket. Also a powder blue skirt and brown combat boots. She can't be killed.

Andrea: By him! I'm the one who's gonna kill her!

Alex: She is sadistic...
Saranghae Tenshi chapter 2 . 7/21/2006
hey... can you continue this fanfic... it's so god! it's humorous and i want to know if tyson and kai find the other bladers... thanks!
DevilMadeYouCry chapter 2 . 6/12/2006
oh dear god they are all dead i hope they've updated their wills
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