Reviews for Last Year
OnceinYourLife chapter 20 . 7/19/2011
So, I read this story the first time around as you were updating it in 2006. I honestly can't believe it's been FIVE YEARS since this story was published, but I just wanted to say a few things to you. I've reviewed before, but, well, I was fourteen then and a little bizarre, to say the least.

I re-read this story recently, now almost nineteen, and it is still just as amazing as it was when I read it five years ago. I know this is going to sound a little weird, but my best friend at the time and I were so obsessed with this story. We'd talk about it all the time and call each other as soon as every chapter was posted and usually cry through each one.

This story kept us best friends for awhile, and I just knew that I had to thank you for that, among many other things. This story taught me so many little things at such a young age... Murphy's Law, The Communist Manifesto, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden... and so much more. And still, to this day, whenever I hear little details that were mentioned in your story in outside places, I immediately rush back to Last Year. Robin's egg blue is a big one. And so are beta fish.

This is all sort of rambling, but I just needed you to know how profound of an impact this story had on my life. I'll always think of what happened in this story as being canon, and I'll always flash back to Roger, crying, bloody, and soaking wet whenever I see a car crash in the rain.

I don't know exactly what it was about this story at that particular time of my life, but it really got to me, and I still think about it all the time. I just knew that it was time to revisit it and to send you a coherent and at least semi-intelligent review to tell you how happy I am that you wrote this story so many years ago and to try to convey to you just how different my life would be without it.

I know that's sort of stupid to say about a fanfic, but it's true. You are a great writer, and this is a great story... one that has and will always stick with me as being my all-time favorite story on this site.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing and for sharing.

Cohen101 chapter 20 . 8/3/2008
Hot damn that was fricken fantastical. Amazing. You managed to make me go to work on 4 hours of sleep, think about the story the entire 8 hour shift, and come back to finish reading it for another 5 hours of sleep before my next shift. Hot damn.

It was awesome, and it made me squeal and get all giddy. I love your writing- :)
DarkAngelSuicide chapter 20 . 7/1/2007
OMG i am in love with this story. it made my cry. But it was terrifict. the best RENT story i have read yet!
SupernaturalSweetheart chapter 19 . 3/5/2007
Never mind that whole comment i posted for 20 about updating...didn't see the story was complete...but i do love this story more then words can say...way more!
SupernaturalSweetheart chapter 20 . 3/5/2007
Aw this is so good! I love this story like you have no idea...update as soon as possible...i love it but won't rush i understand how crazy busy life can be.
my-invisible-friend chapter 20 . 12/10/2006
:O! NO! Aww, it's so sad! BUt you're story was really good. brava!
To Being An Us For Once chapter 20 . 8/9/2006
Aw. That whole thing is so good, but I loved it so much. i'm sorry I didnt find it unitl tonight. oh man, now it's time to read the sequel. Great job, again. keep up the wonderful work.
Alycen chapter 20 . 8/2/2006
I can honestly say this is the best RENT fic I've ever read. You're an excellent writer. I look forward to reading more from you in the future. )
L Ducky chapter 20 . 8/2/2006
wah! Roger can't be gone!

theres a sequel, though! -off to read it-
Kagedtiger chapter 20 . 7/18/2006
The... the end? The END? Are you KIDDING me? You're ending it THERE? That's TERRIBLE! Oh man. If this didn't have a sequal, I would hate you so much! Poor Mark! ::cuddles Mark:: That was mean. Excellent, well-written, but very, very mean.
citruspeach chapter 20 . 7/16/2006
Oh! Gah, I'm going to go off and cry now. Except, not really. But I'll feel like it.

(Your Mark/Roger ending was perfect. I'm going to go and read the sequal!)
rexmanningdays chapter 20 . 7/16/2006
aw. i'm sad to see this end. the m/r was so short, but so tragic. roger's goodbye phone call killed me and the fangirl awwed at the closet scene. i can't wait to read the sequel.
Hotshot chapter 20 . 7/16/2006
So I am a shitty reviewer, because I have been reading this since you started it and I don't think I've left a review once.

-ducks rotten vegetables-

But, as cliched as the 'Roger is abused' and 'Mark and Roger in love in High School' are, I believe that you have pulled them off better than anyone else has. I don't know what it was that drew me to this story, but there was something in the way you wrote it that kept me coming back. The way you wrote each character was amazing because you really had a set, inflexible standard for each of them.

I thing some of the themes ducked over my head, because for a while I didn't understand the Mark is suicidal thing but it all really came together in the last three or four chapters. I wish I could pick your brain to see where you're going to go with this. I read the first chapter of the next one and I will definitely be putting it on my author alerts and keeping an eye on it. It seems very promising, much like this one did.

Just thought I should let you know that I think you write very well, and the way you construct your stories is so much better than the cliched stories most fans tend to post on here.

~Hotshot~ ~ ~
Black Bird chapter 20 . 7/15/2006
This was a great story- perfect! I look forward to a sequal and any other RENT fics that you come up with.

Demia chapter 20 . 7/15/2006
So sad... so well written... so perfect. I love it *favorited*
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