Reviews for Take Good Care of the Poor Boy
Guest chapter 14 . 8/25
Wow? I read the other fic a few months ago from a tumblr rec, and really enjoyed it, while there were some problematic elements. It was the early 2000’s so that’s to be expected. The writing in this one has very much improved, but it was still immensely enjoyable in the original. It has been over 10? Years since this was released, and it has its own little corner fandom on tumblr. It has influenced a lot of the fandom, whether they know that or not, such as Italian Race, Race’s given name being Anthony, Spot’s given name being Sean, their pairing, their characterization, Blink and Mush being together, and so much else. I don’t know if this will ever even get read, but if your not still in the Newsies fandom, maybe check out some tags on tumblr or AO3 (archive of our own) to see how much you guys have influenced it. Much love and admiration, 6amtea/Pleia C (yes, Pleia is my real name)
midnight1899 chapter 10 . 2/25/2019
review for the final chapter, but you can't review the same chapter twice...Hope you're both doing well, I doubt you get these emails anymore but Just wanted to say I was feeling nostalgic, and I can't believe how long it's been since you wrote this, but I still like to read it from time to time. I'm glad you put in your post script that they eventually got back together, you sure but those guys through the ringer
SilverStreaksofStardust chapter 14 . 10/23/2016
Adorable, funny . . . seriously, I just love this story. I know that you may not see this, given that it is about four years after since you completed this fanfic, but I want to say that this is heartwarming, and incredible. Thank you.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/3/2015
I've spent the last three days reading both the stories and wow they're so good! Can you make a post or something on how to get to the LJ community thing because I can't find it anywhere. That is if you're still getting these messages and stuff
Guest chapter 1 . 10/9/2014
I love this series! I love the way you petrayed the charactors and the stor plot was amazing and you guys are all just amazing writters! Please keep writing! If theres any,and i mean ANY, chance at all that your still reading these comments after all these years please keep writing for this series im hooked! If you think no one reads this any more your wrong (i mean im still here!) and bet you some of (if not alot) of your readers are still re-reading/checking to see if you wrote anything new and would be thrilled for a new story pluss theres also new fansies! Especially from the broadway tour which will travel the U.S making more fansies and if there any thing like me will get hooked on newsies and want more! Pluss the way i found your story was a few months ago some ine put a link to this fanfic on instagram comment on a photo on a newsies fan page/account and this story is also on a link of an old newsies fan page/wesite i found! Please keep weiting this series it would mean the world to me!Newsies for forever!Fansie!️️️️️️️️️️️
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
Pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeee keep writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
I apsolutly love these fanfictions! Please keep writing them! I love these! There amazing im hooked on this series! You should do one when dutchy acidently spills that every one (him/jack/itey) thought blink had a crush on sean/spot when he first got there he said it in front of mush/michle, spot and race/toney then they all start arguing and by the end they all know that theres a thorey blink liked spot and reminded that spot thougth bink had a nice ass (which blink learned) and mush learned that race actually amitted to spot that he use to starr at mush in the locker room and they got reminded that mish used to and still kind of has a crush on race and also reminded that mush thinks spots hot when we opens bottles with his teeth. So it gets really stange and ackword and its like a love square. But in the end race stays with spot and mush stays with blink because thats love not thinking some ines hot/cut or just a crush that is love!
Macavroche chapter 14 . 9/15/2013
Holy SHIT. Okay. Okay. So.



This. Is so... fucking... goddamn... GOOD. I just... UGH. I mean, I reread EYDW (for like the sixth time) and then I found this and JESUS. THE WHOLE THING. TOGETHER. JESUS H CHRIST. (This review is going to be for Take Good Care and EYDW) Okay, so far, this review has been pointless, so here's the point. Okay.

Literally EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS STORY. The swearing and the song quotes and the mafia and Race being FUCKING TICKLISH (which is so canon and adorable it makes me squeal) and Maria and Spot being an ass and JARED and Marco and the fact that anytime Mush and Blink even BREATHE THE SAME AIR I squeal and squirm and die and the fact that the two lines that Les showed up in COMPLETELY EMBODIED HIS CHARACTER and were some of my favorite lines and the fact that Isabella scares ME and can Denise please be my best friend and Sophitey being THE SWEETEST THING and feeling so bad for Jess (even though she's kind of a whore sometimes) and going back and forth between hating slutty Sarah with a burning passion and wishing I could give her a hug and JACK AND DAVID JUST HAVE SEX ALREADY and some really hot steamy scenes and FUCK THIS STORY IS SO GOOD.

I LOVE YOU FUNKIE AND B. You two seriously actually are the best. Funkie, you're so sweet and adorable! Can I just see you and meet you and love you and be you please okay thanks. B, your ANs are the sole reason I look forward to college so much! Um can you say ROLE MODEL! I love you guys so much and I feel like I know you personally. I hope that maybe you guys will write again someday? That would seriously make my life better, thanks!

Love and orgasmic pasta sauce,
Macavroche (who is waiting on her Higgins family sweater)
alien babydoll chapter 14 . 7/6/2013
Wow. This was spectacular. There is simply no other way to put it. I hope you two are writing professionally because...woah. I adored this. I really, truly did. I love your characterization, I love how it was so hard to put down (eleven hours straight, I read this!), I love that it's a prequel and I have a whole other story to read...However, it's about 3 AM here, so imma hit the sack. Can't wait to read EYDW.
Much love from the east coast,
alien babydoll chapter 11 . 7/5/2013
I was planning to do one, blanket review at the end, but, just, oh my god, WOW. My friend recommended this and told me I should read it before EYDW, so, here I am.

This is magnificent! I wish I could write this well! I rarely get this sucked into a fanfiction - especially one of this length. I rarely make it to the end of stories this long, but I started reading this nine hours ago and I'm still here. Damn.

In the beginning, Jack got a bit on my nerves, but I loved your Spot. I was into this thing the minute he waltzed in here with his FUCK YOU t-shirt. I also loved David - he's so damn sassy! - and I've never liked Dutchy, but I really warmed up to him here. I loved the strangest parts - I loved when Spot dumped beer in the carpet as a form of entertainment, I loved when the McDonald's people knew all about the "dumpster kid" and how Jack's reaction was "Oh my god, you found Sean!" I just love this.

Three more chapters to go!

(And you can bet I'm gonna read EYDW after this!)
WhisperMaw chapter 14 . 2/23/2013
I'll admit two chapters in I was thinking this was absolute shit. Dutch was annoying Jack was a little bitch Sean was absolutely...well i liked Spot actually and David and Itey...Blink was on the fence. But then I got to around Chapter5 and all of a sudden it had become absolutely beautiful. The character development...all of it... I don't know if it's because you guys got older or if it was intentional growth but...damn. I'm really glad I didn't exit out after those first two chapters because this was a really great journey. I'm guessing you guys are something around 28 and 22 and probably are getting married or whatever. You probably don't remember the passwords to the emails you set up for fanfiction and that's okay I just needed to let you know that this was fantastic. I'm slightly nervous to go on and read the original story because you guys were younger and I'm afraid that the quality won't be where it was but Race and Spot...I can't resist.
See ya in another life,
midnight1899a chapter 14 . 8/15/2012
hey. could you post something xplaining how to navigate lj a little? I'd love to read your other snippets and such but I can't figure it out. Do I need to just go all the way back and then read forward? or can I search? thanks
midnight1899 chapter 14 . 8/15/2012
wow. I can' believe its over. EYDW is possibly my favorite ff ever and I love TPB too. I was driving home today and for some reason wondered if you'd updated it. I haven't thought about it in months but when I checked you had and its done! I can't believe it. Congratulations to you both. I can't believe its been ten years. great story. I wish there were more. Now I get to go to lj and read the future yay!
Guest chapter 14 . 8/10/2012
Sir Gnome the Giant chapter 14 . 8/1/2012
I love you. And your writing. And your characterization. And the way you've made this series my two favorite Newsies fics ever. And I love you both, nine years and sporadic updating be damned.
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