Reviews for For All the Marbles
Vadercat chapter 1 . 4/10/2017
The ending was a bit disturbing, but I really liked the story as a whole. Pre-common Ground? Or even could be AU and Pre-common Ground. All in all it was a riveting story and well told.
SGAmvmm chapter 28 . 7/9/2012
Thank you for this story.. I hope to find a sequel of this story.. I want to know John's progress.. Thank you again..
mia chapter 28 . 10/16/2008
A great story. Loved the whumpage.
Ozlex chapter 28 . 9/28/2007
You really captured the essence of Stargate in this story, good going. The whole AH! aliens are about to attack Earth gather the universal troops was awesome. Also like the constant Shep whumping as per usual. Very good :)(except for cruelty to poor little Australia)
Ozlex chapter 2 . 9/26/2007
Good story so far, but I'm sorry I have waited so patiently for any mention of a Aussie and you have to kill him off. Thank you so much :( Atlantis needs more AUSSIE's (New Zealander's would be good as well).
LadyNiko chapter 15 . 6/7/2007
Ee gads - you just don't give poor Shep a break here. :p

I noticed a you're vs your typo in here. "I'm glad your here" - oops! Not possessive (Say it like you'd say, "Not the Momma!" *g*), but contraction form here for you are. ;)

Too little sleep... bloody internal alarm clock & yapping neighbor dog outside my window at 7:30. Blargh! I can't wait to get back to work... :p

Really enjoying this and don't mind me too much - I'm just a nitpicker about you're/your, they're/their/there and its/it's... :-p
LadyNiko chapter 3 . 6/4/2007
Okay then, that reference to Isaac dates you, you know that, yes? :) It was bad having to explain the whole Love Boat experience to my "adopted kid sister's" best friend the other day. The poor Brit had never heard of Love Boat! :p

Good stuff - I'm really enjoying how this tale is going, but too tired to say more than that tonight. I will put up a more intelligent review once I've had some sleep...
SithRuse chapter 28 . 12/5/2006
I made it! And check it out, the lead into your sequel. ;) I envy are a master. Beautiful stuff all the way around. Excellent interactions. Love it!
SithRuse chapter 21 . 12/5/2006
OMG, John singing. Can I tell you how Sheppard that is? It's the kind of thing that would keep him sane in a situation like that. That poor boy needs a hug. Moving on...
SithRuse chapter 18 . 12/3/2006
I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna make it! ;) I like that you include the other characters too. Not that there's anything bad about stories that focus around certain ones, but it's very episode-like to have plots with everyone involved. And I like that you include the SG1 characters too. I'm just getting into SG1, but Stargate had me at the movie, so it's always nice to see my first Stargate love Daniel. ;) You write them well.
SithRuse chapter 14 . 11/29/2006
Crikey, that Wraith Queen is creepy. :X Excellent writing.
SithRuse chapter 11 . 11/29/2006
You are so dang good at this! Crikey, I'm green. Ixion...every time my eyes pass that word I think of Final Fantasy X. :D Oh, and while I'm reviewing random, I love your chapter titles too...Welcome to the Grand Delusion...what could be better? :)
SithRuse chapter 10 . 11/27/2006
Whew...halfway through! ;) It's all excellent so far, of course. Very well written, very realistic and in character. I am green with envy. ;) :) Poor Rod!
SithRuse chapter 6 . 11/24/2006
*sends a tin of chocolatechip cookies* Excellent, excellent writing so far. Whew...I'm slowly but surely catching up. Well worth it, though. :)
SithRuse chapter 3 . 11/22/2006
Great chapter. I love the way you wrote the first part with Ronon and Sheppard, dialog with no dialog. Wonderfully handled!
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