Reviews for Child Of Madness
Forgotten Muse chapter 2 . 7/23/2006
Argh. appars to have cut off the the end of the review i left on chapter 7. Glad I went back and checked! Anyway, as I was saying- you've taken a really interesting direction with this fic, always liked the idea of nanos. And the ending was completely unexpected, which is good. Also, it's interesting to see a STC fic that doesn't do the Super Sonic thing. I may be a huge Super fangirl but it's great to see someone not dwelling on him too much, a change from the usual is always good :D Hope to see those 'further episodes' soon, you have a fan here...
Forgotten Muse chapter 7 . 7/21/2006
Oh. Nice ending... very nice. I'll admit I was thrown by the use of 'dollars' there- thought i was reading the wrong fic for a second- but that's just a little detail, they've got to have some kind of currency (i can't say anything, i haven't figured out what it is yet.
TC chan chapter 7 . 7/12/2006
freaky ending, but i loved it.

i love how you're developing tails as a chaacter, not being a super-genius, but interested in technology and stuff like hat was a really good way wih dealin with that.

also you got knuckles spot on during is training moment.

Still love Cyrax, he's probably the best part of this story, i love how he's going insane, but he also seems to be evolving at the same time into something more dangerous than what Sonic and co. originally fought.

can't wait to see what happens next, and keep up the amazing story!
Forgotten Muse chapter 6 . 7/3/2006
Again, I just LOVE the way you write Sonic. Especially towards the end of the chapter the characterisation is just perfect.(i don't want to give anyone reading this spoilers!)

Anyway, glad you're back, good luck with those exams :)
TC chan chapter 6 . 6/26/2006
yeah, you updated. wow, that was worth the wait, i love how you portrayed sonic at the end, so determined and annoyed at the same time.

after reading this chapter i realised why i missed this story, its so good, great fights, and great characterisation.

hope you did alright with your exams

can't wait for the next update
Forgotten Muse chapter 5 . 5/3/2006
Gotta love these cliffangers. And being kept wondering what's going to happen next! Hehe, I didn't expect -Tails- to end up saving Sonic there. But that's good, would have been predictable otherwise. And your dialogue is perfect. That's one thing I could never quite get right myself- dialogue. *bows*

I'll say it again- your writing is inspiring. :)
TC chan chapter 5 . 4/16/2006
damn, another cliffhanger, i love how tails and amy are in your fic now, getting to see them in acion, and amy really did come just in time, loveing the story.

i really love the sequence with Sonic and Knux on the verge of killing each other, it was perfect.

oh and your robot is so incredibly cool, its primal and savage and animal like, whilst also being a robot, unexpected combination, but works so well

can't wait for the next chapter, keep up the great work!
Orin chapter 4 . 4/13/2006
I love this fic. I had to start with that. Because it’s gorgeous but not in the usual pretty-words way. This is not to say you can’t use words to your advantage because DUDE! Where have you been hiding this stuff? X.x Made me drool on reading, seriously. It’s gorgeous And I already said that. But it’s gritty and real-er and just… I dunno… visceral almost! And… wow. I read this and sort of sat back and – after the initial frothing and MORE thoughts, I was just… wow. O.o Y’know? It’s wow.

Your characterisation is just…. BUH. Blows me away. Seriously.

Sonic is Teh Snark and cool as an icicle with shades and it’s lovely. (3 And damn but I’ve never liked STC’s Tails much but the way you write him- he seems that bit older and that bit more confident and, it just fits really well. And I lovedloved the racing scene with he and Sonic! I really did! So I find myself liking Tails for the first time ever. Has me a bit muddled actually. But kudos to you on that, seriously.

Knuckles well… er… I think you write him a bit too much like the Sega version and less as STC used to write him. He’s a bit too Sonic-like. But that could just be me?

This is not to say I don’t adore what you’ve done with him. Can’t fault you on that because some scenes- like the fighting one – just had me burbling for more.

And the rest are just as gorgeous as the first. Porker in particular, I think you got him just right. _ Not that I really know but I think you did. And this whole thing… ; I could babble all day but I love the direction of this, I loved the blood- oh the imagery of Knuckles with blood on his face (3 – and I love Cryax! And I love the dialogue, because you have some kick ass dialogue in here too and- stopping now.

Basically? More please.

TC chan chapter 4 . 4/12/2006
crikey, that was amazing, i love the current chapter, i can't believe the robot's beaten both of them, wow. i get the feeling there's more to the robot than you're letting on at the moment, especially with the knack for poetry and laughter, very original.

but damn, its a cliffhanger, i can't wait for the next chapter.
Forgotten Muse chapter 4 . 4/12/2006
Hehehe. Knowing Sonic... I have an idea what might be about to happen next :)

I really like your writing style- nice and fast-paced, yet with just the right amount of detail. I'll be keeping an eye out for further chapters!
Forgotten Muse chapter 1 . 4/12/2006
Thank you. Seriously.

I haven't seen a good STC fic in... well. Ages, so this is a breath of fresh air! I'm now inspired to continue mine :D

*goes off to read the other chapters*
TC chan chapter 3 . 4/8/2006
wow, a fleetway fic, and a really really good one.

i love how you've caught sonic, knux and porker perfectly, haven't seen enough of amy and tails yet to make an opinion.

i alos like the concept of the cave and a super strong robot, who seems to worse than brutus and a lot more powerful.

the only thing i'm annoyed at is that you've left it at a cliffhanger...i can't wait for the next part!