Reviews for The Paladin Provision
erik chapter 5 . 5/31
A cracking good story, that I hope to someday see continued.
Jondarme chapter 5 . 4/5/2017
Rather enjoy the team-team-ups so far. As for foes, there are a number of foes such as the Red court and the Fae that could be suitable for them.
l4w chapter 5 . 10/30/2015
Great set up for a double ascension
Great story idea and a great crew
I do so hope that Buffy is controlled and not stupid
Hoping for more of this fic
dragon-game chapter 5 . 6/17/2014
Good story.
I hope you continue it.
tavin93 chapter 5 . 9/8/2013
This was actually really good I don't understand why you didn't continue it.
Unseen Watcher chapter 5 . 7/31/2013
Pure awesomeness. Love your sense of humor. I hope Fluffy gets blasted.
Puidwen chapter 5 . 10/9/2012
hmm. interesting.
IUseAFakeName chapter 5 . 9/10/2012
Smart, funny, and exceedingly well written. In fact, as far as I can tell, there'sonly one thing missing; update. Please?
trongod chapter 5 . 1/21/2011
You have another OUTSTANDING series here that truly needs to be continued, along with your 'The Xan-man Knows'. I hope that you will find the time and inspiration to continue both someday.
wolfey141 chapter 5 . 5/10/2009
well is this abandoned or on hiatus cuz i really liked it. And for foes you could always do a chapter involving the sgc and a gould getting in to literal magic or sometihng. plus 1 or two chapters about charmed and blade. some with crow and the vatican. hell with charmed and that newspaper thing you could have it center around the charmed episode where prue died.
EnwXan chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
Hi, it's me again, I've just sent in a review/note for The Cavalry, put down that crucifix, it wasn't that bad a natter. But if you could in those spare thirty seconds toilet breaks between writing chapters nine, to four hundred and fifty two of The Cavalry, could you maybe put down a few notes for chapter six of "Paladin"?

It's my second favourite of yours after "Knightfall", the third is "Cavalry".

Knightfall, great, and I can almost see how for Xander at least if he had to go, he'd rather go out fighting, doing what he does best, saving the world rather than just fade away. And yes he would want his axe with him 'just in case'.

Do you post anywhere else but ? They only have ten or yours do you have any others?

Well before I get onto chapter two or this letter, I'd better say bye again. ALL THE BEST.
slbwhitewolf chapter 5 . 10/24/2008
Really great, I always enjoy these type of stories and yours is fantastic. Any chance of more chapters in the future?
thundever1 chapter 5 . 2/14/2008
Great chaps, brilliant interactions, please update soon.
Nightgazer333 chapter 5 . 11/16/2007
Cool! This is good! Write more please, neat, fun!
Kaerion chapter 5 . 11/15/2007
Wow, this is definitely among the crossovers with the most potential, that I've read! Multi-crossovers can (and usually do) tend to get overly complicated, but setting it primarily in the Buffyverse (or is that Xanderverse? ;)) and adding in the others, like you've done, makes it a whole lot easier to follow. I'm also impressed by how "in-character" you've managed to keep the major players, and even though the story itself has barely started, it's already great, and looks to become even better. I have to admit I'm not a big fan of character bashing, but considering that it's all based on how Whedon and his people decided to evolve their characters, especially Buffy, in the last seasons, and that you haven't made it the main focus of the story, I can't really complain.

I really, really hope you get around to continuing this story!
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