Reviews for Twisting Fate
Pacifia chapter 60 . 15h
This was a great read. I have only complaint. Why is the whole story from Lucy's point of view? We missed so many things because of that! Ah...but it's your story. Anyway, thanks.
anonymousme chapter 65 . 12/12/2018
really nice piece! awesome story, gr8 characterization, and wonderful characters! and did i mention the fact that the story was fabulous? i loved it! do keep writing, please! :) :D
anonymousme chapter 45 . 12/11/2018
ooh, devious, sneaky, and i like it! dun dun dun!
Guest chapter 65 . 2/12/2015
This is the best fanfiction I have ever read , seriously awesome
Rayven49 chapter 65 . 8/15/2012
This was fantastic! The sheer length of it was wonderful. I can see why it took you two years, but it was well worth it. The story itself was a good blend of simple and complicated and definitely plausible by Narnia standards. I'm glad Susan didn't end up actually dead, and I'm so pleased that Timothy wasn't really a traitor. The fight with the spider-like creature was very impressively thought out, and the relationships between the Pevensies were, as well. I love Edmund's irreverent treatment of Peter and how Lucy matured over the course of their adventure. The bit where she strung Susan's bow and then left it for Susan to get was brilliant.
Great job! I really enjoyed reading this!
stanzaic chapter 5 . 7/20/2012
Really liking this story High-five!
lifechiaroscuro chapter 29 . 8/5/2011
I just knew from this Chapter that Timothy was Narnian.
lifechiaroscuro chapter 65 . 8/5/2011
GREAT story. LOVED it! Can't wait for the epilogue!

~Caity :)
Song Offerings chapter 65 . 3/17/2011
wow! That was an awsome story! I am impressed by the way you write, i mean, you describe the events well, and so clearly that I can almost see every bit of the story in my minds the part where Valin almost forces poor Peter to, kill his own all the villians...even the white witch wont force Peter to do that.I seriously got tears in my eyes. I know, I am sensitive, emotional...whatever. Anyway, keep up the good work!
dbd823 chapter 65 . 2/27/2011
This was really good! I loved it the entire way, and the fact that the boys kept needing the cordial kept the story going fast, even if it wasn't a mortal wound. This is probably among the longest stories I've read on this site, and it was amazing! Thank you so much for writing it! It was... wow. Great. Gummy bears, I'm hungry. Keep writing... if you're still on this site...
defectivequeen chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
What a rollercoaster this story was!

Maybe the end felt a little anti climatic without the epilogue, but I can assure you that this story gripped me like few others did, and it was an amazing experience.

You can write action, sibling bonding and comic moments like no one.

Amazing job!
JNRWJ96 chapter 65 . 8/10/2009
awesome awesome awesome!
L.A.H.H chapter 65 . 6/18/2009
Thank you for writing this! I'm amused that you got so far and then never wrote the epilogue, though. x
Pavender the Manfisher chapter 65 . 4/26/2009
This was one of the best Narnia stories I have ever read. The plot, and the writing, and the descriptions were all lovely. Thank you for posting!
laily.spenstar chapter 65 . 2/2/2009
Hello there!Love your story!I've always loved stories with long chapters and great nice to read about the 4 Pevensies with their adventures.I've read The Sea and The Siblings them both.
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