Reviews for Masquerade, You Can Fool Any Friend
Winter-Rae chapter 1 . 4/2/2006
AH! OMG! Another amazing piece of work! This was great, I really liked it. And thanks for the dedication you are a sweetheart! YAY Bryan! He's so sexy! Love the tension between him and Ray. Did you kill him again! I mean that's what I understood when I read "Boris fired the gun in his hand and Bryan dropped like a stone, lavender eyes closed." Because you don't mention him again. Please tell me you didn't *sniff sniff* And Spencer was awesome in here too. Wow this was so great hun, I hope you add another chapter or two LOL. Umm Garland's dad is an ass! I hate Boris he's a dirty man GR, poor Garland and Coryn *sniff* And remember if you ever need to use Akiera, Tiki, or Zihanna, go for it. Just let me know so I can keep an eye out for the story hehe. Well talk to you soon then.

Winter-Rae xoxo
Chu-Chi Face chapter 1 . 4/2/2006
hehe coryn sounds like my name!

heh mr flibble rules all!