Reviews for When We Are Happy
TakeBackTheFalls chapter 1 . 11/26/2015
The whole time I was reading this, I was like "somebody get Angel, this cat has got to go."
Mikhyel chapter 7 . 2/7/2012
It's nice to see them have in-character happy time! And kittens...
567573 chapter 7 . 1/20/2011
This is my second time rereading this fic. It is so very well written (as all your fics are), I simply LOVE how you portrayed the kitten thinking. xD

Roger talking to the cat about his feelings was adorable, and I feel actually pretty in character (I could really picture him talking to the little fluffball about Mark). Mark's jealousy was also cute.

This whole fic was well written, adorable, and funny all around. Great job! :D
55-Rue-Plumet chapter 7 . 3/5/2007
Read every chapter... you are so good at this
Spice of Life chapter 7 . 2/2/2007
That was ADORABLE. I loved it! The part with the kids was so cute, and Cohen REALLY reminds me of my mom's cat...she hates me! This is definitly going on my favorites list!
kaz456 chapter 7 . 10/1/2006
Great, great, story. All-around, it's very well-written, a nice balance of actual dialogue and action with the character's thoughts. And yeah, it was all sorts of fluff, but in a good way. Characterizations were down perfect, too, and in general, it was extremely enjoyable. Good job!
kwebba chapter 7 . 10/1/2006
omg cant wait for more!
ickle-s-10 chapter 7 . 10/1/2006
no! i dont want it to end! no! i love it too much!

but this still was so sweet. i loved the end, and how they found a new kitten. yay! and how matt couldn't sleep. that was adorable!

"Davis Clockwork Socrates Gato Scruffy Mcfilmster"

that line was great. very nice.

this was such a great story and so funny! i hope you keep writing other things!
no reason to live chapter 7 . 10/1/2006
aw fluff :)

(there are a couple of typos a spell check wouldn't catch (of the son/soon, to/too etc. kind)
Ragazzabella chapter 6 . 9/23/2006
Ok that last line made me laugh out loud lol!

but anyway this story is amazing!

I feel so bad for Mark *tear*!

and just picturing Roger holding Adam all day for some reason just makes me smile!

and Ive decided Mark and Roger need to have sex lol!

ickle-s-10 chapter 6 . 9/23/2006
"Maybe... Benny and Joanne going at it? No, Maureen and Cindy still win. Oh, fucking great. That's burned into his mind, now."

That was hilarious. Great line.

I love this story! And how you keep changing the povs. It's so great!
kwebba chapter 6 . 9/23/2006
i love how you write Mark... if that makes sense... anyways, update asap please!
Iniga chapter 5 . 9/9/2006
All cute things gravitate to Roger, huh? Poor Adam- Uncle Mark can't remember him, so he will throw him out! Very small child logic. All three kids have distinct but non-cloying personalities, which is hard to do with very young characters in a short amount of time. I can just see Amanda jumping on Mark and Matt hidden behind his headphones. I hope that sometime we get to see how the trip itself goes...

The description of Mark's relationship with Cindy is my favorite that I've ever seen. It makes more sense than the more typical idea that she's an evil, evil thing who plots against poor innocent Marky, like the whole world often does in fics. In that one background paragraph, you gave the connection more subtlety than most novel-length stories do. They love each other, but they're very different.

Anyway, great job.
Iniga chapter 4 . 9/9/2006
Even though this story is light and fluffy and fun, it still has absolutely amazing characterization. The various names the characters choose for the kitten are all perfectly in-character. There are so many other perfect touches, too, like Roger's comment on Mimi's style of fighting. ("I should tell my style of fighting. I don't move, gaze or speak.")

I did get a little bit irritated with Mark for hiding the cat, though. Just because he likes it now, that doesn't mean he should let Mimi think it ran off.
Iniga chapter 2 . 9/9/2006
Congratulations on writing a brilliant and beautiful cat-point-of-view. Even though the writing style remains readable, it changes to go along with content of the cat's mind. Best line: "like it's my fault Roger has taste."

I also love how Mark and Cohen understand each other in ways the oblivious object of their affections seems to miss. And of course, Collins knows all, but without being one-dimensional or annoying.
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