Reviews for Control
In Memory Of Yesterday chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
I really enjoyed that this pre-Itachi revalation one-shot included their sibling dynamic like this.
LouiseUchiha chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
Oh Sasuke, you are just unique.
Kaira-chan15 chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
Fantastic story, as usual. :) You really lead the reader deep into the characters, especially in this one. I liked the style of it and the repetition of certain phrases. Nice work!
Amrun chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
I liked this, especially the end. It was cute and realistic. There's not enough content to say much else, but thanks for sharing.
Kay the Cricketed chapter 1 . 7/26/2007
Yeah. Those little "mostly" ones and similar add-ins? Should not be breaking my heart. But they sort of do.

Damn you, emo Sasuke.

Some beautiful lines in this and overall, I have the urge to pet Sasuke's hair and hope I don't die or catch some STD from his molester's indirectly. Oh. But oh. That, "made him die for a few moments," just... dunno why, but yes. YES. Loved that.
Dirtberry chapter 1 . 5/26/2007
I liked this. It made for an enjoyable read, and I liked how it was thought-provoking in a sense that it studied Sasuke's character very well and analyzed the intricate details in-depth. But what I favor most would have been the team dynamics apparent in the fic, especially the parts and moments where Kakashi was included into Sasuke's train of thoughts. Those really made my day. XD Liked the idea of how Sasuke could almost perceive Kakashi as family, and the final part where you included how Kakashi could understand Sasuke like no other. Those were aw-worthy moments, and made my insides go all warm and fuzzy.

Favorited. (: Be proud!
Nadramon chapter 1 . 2/25/2007
Hm... Not bad.

I felt a little lost, though... Some expressions hardly reminded me of anything... Like the "when everything died" comment. Not so sure about what he meant by that...

Except for that one, I liked the one-shot very much. Sasuke's sort of cute when he's in denial like that... Loved the "mostly"s! XD C'mon, boy, deep inside you're still an emotional brat. :P

The repetitions made a good angsty effect, too. Sasuke's really stubborn and it's obvious he's been working hard on his "self-control" lately... But it was rather funny, too, once the comments such as "that maddening desire (of doing) something stupid" (lol) were added!

Nice job! ;)
Anti-Logic chapter 1 . 10/3/2006
Oh, that's a really good story. I like how it's sort of told from his point of view so that it seems like he's over those things, then something like (mostly) sneaks in there.
desolate butterfly chapter 1 . 7/17/2006
Awesome. I love how you parallel the beginning in your ending line. Very melancholy. Very poignant.
Tenshi-Battosai chapter 1 . 7/12/2006
An intruging short story. I like how the idea spawned in the first place. *grins* Great, I loved it!


Kitsune no Yuuki chapter 1 . 4/25/2006
this is well written, however i feel that the 'hi' part...was just outta place! Love ur writing tho
Insomniac Owl chapter 1 . 4/22/2006
Hi. (mostly) I kinda like it, all the repetitiveness and such. Go you!
casa-spes chapter 1 . 4/22/2006
I like! .

A really interesting look on Sasuke's psyche after the Sasuke Retrieval arc. Probably pretty accurate too.

I'm really looking forward to finding out how Sasuke reacts to his old friends in the new manga. He probably won't say 'hi'...or something stupid like that.

Great short tidbit-casa-spes