Reviews for The Aftermath
Guest chapter 19 . 7/28
you're writing is so good, please come back! i love rory and logan in this story and want to see them with a baby!
broadway89 chapter 19 . 7/13
I know it’s been a decade since you updated this, but I just reread bombshell and this over the weekend. I just wanted to tell you how much I love these stories, almost more than when you originally wrote them. Thanks for the amazing memories!
Guest chapter 19 . 7/12
I can’t wait till Mia meets Paris, and the fact that they still care makes me happy but I also understand that they’re upset still. They’re more like family than their actual families with the exception of Rory and her family. They wanted to be there to witness the happy moment and it sucks that Steph and Colin didn’t have more faith in their friends. I hope you’ve been well and I look forward to the day there’s a new update with this story. I love it so much!
Guest chapter 19 . 6/24
It’s been 10 years but I’d really love to see how this story ends. You also had a trory posted a while back that never had an ending. Please repost and consider finishing - I love your writing! If you ended up publishing these as books let us know :)
Megan clemons chapter 19 . 5/16
I wish you would update the story
Guest chapter 19 . 5/8
Would you ever consider finishing this story? Would love to see how it ends
Amberlina0418 chapter 19 . 4/3
I love thos story! please continue hope all is well!
LissaP chapter 19 . 2/28
This is a wonderful story. I hope you find time to complete it.
Guest chapter 19 . 1/26
It’s almost been 10 years since your last post. You should definitely post chapter 20 in honor of that milestone ;)
Great job!
Kazza65 chapter 17 . 12/17/2019
Great chapter. Poor Finn so sad for him and Logan.
Kazza65 chapter 11 . 12/16/2019
Loving this side of Rogan. Btw don’t ppl knock anymore. Just say. Lol!
Kazza65 chapter 10 . 12/16/2019
Fucking finally! Lol! TY! ;)
Kazza65 chapter 9 . 12/16/2019
I can’t believe he drove all that way and she’s sending him back. Wtf! So stupid.
Kazza65 chapter 5 . 12/16/2019
How is he a ass? Bc he really doesn’t know how to convey his thoughts or doings? Poor guy has good intensions but just needs guidance. The end brought on the water works. Rory needs to cut him some slack. Time consummate this long suffering marriage.
carrie.lee.7967 chapter 19 . 10/31/2019
I would really love the rest of this story please!
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