Reviews for The Hogwarts Adaptation of King Arthur
taieri chapter 23 . 4/26/2017
Why was this not called angsty? Cried quite a lot... T~T
Guest chapter 23 . 5/19/2016
I CRIED SO MUCH! I never thought it would escalate to that! I am literally BAWLING right now!
AngelsBeast chapter 23 . 4/22/2016
it was... heartbreaking beautiful. I NEED a sequel, pretty please? let them meat again to heal my heart! but honestly, I this was awesome. I read all 3 today. did you had this idea in your head as you wrote 'Valentinsday' and 'April fools'?
MajaS chapter 2 . 4/16/2016
Have you spelled Lucius, lucious and luscious for a reason?
sallyfone chapter 23 . 2/25/2016
Thank you for this amazing story - I love Harry/Draco pairing et Arthur also - to pair him with Lancelot is great ! While reading your story, I was remembering the French tv series Kaamelott - I'm French - (with Alexandre Astier and Thomas Cousseau) and I was picturing them in your story ! Bloody fantastic ! I was sobbing at Arthur's death, and everything after that :'-(
Thanks again for this moment.
Chaotic Shadow chapter 13 . 1/9/2015
So...who exactly wrote that? (subtly sharpens knife)
kitsuneko1976 chapter 13 . 2/3/2014
it never ceases to amaze me that when it's blatantly spelled out in the synopsis, people still have the gall to bitch about gay sex/pairings. May they wrap their lips around a tailpipe, and not supply the world with yet another oxygen stealing waste of egg and sperm that so resembles its progenitor (see person with said lips on tailpipe)

rock on!
hptwhhshlover chapter 23 . 6/27/2013
god I didn't no I could cry like that over a story, this was amazing, you did a wonderful job, I loved it so much, thank you for writing this :)
MissMissingYou chapter 23 . 5/14/2013
*Sniff* *sniff* *Bawls eyes out* Why? Why would you do that to me? So beautiful, but so freakin' sad!
Guest chapter 23 . 11/6/2012
Noooooooo please write another sequel it would be amazing! U r an amazing writer write more! Bye!:)
Rooz990 chapter 23 . 4/10/2012
this is really a wonderful story

such a beautiful ending

bkcgirl chapter 23 . 3/5/2012
O. 's witness, THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!
DELETEDFORGOODDDDDD chapter 2 . 2/17/2012
I know this story is like 6 years old but I hope you've come to realize that you spelled Lucius wrong repeatedly. It was quite annoying.
2FantasyLover2 chapter 23 . 12/30/2011
I love this story! I'm bawling my eyes out as i'm writing this. I can barely see the keyboard. (Uncontrollable Sob) This is the first story I have ever ever read that's like this. You know you are a great author. I have no words to express how good this story is. I read the story that goes with this and I think that the prank where they all yelled out thier best was amazing. I don't really care for this couple but this has changed my opinion. Thank you for this amazing story. I'm ading it to my Favorites.
Guest chapter 13 . 8/16/2011
argh im so mad after readin this chapter! how dare she that is the most horrible thing i have ever had the misfortune to read! argh just. so. mad.! bleh makes me feel so sorry for her she's just so missing out on the most awesum cutest couple even to roam this (imagintative) earth!

anyway enough on her just wanted to say awesum fanfiction! am loving it so much and i havent even finished it its such and interesting story line cant wait to read some others by you!
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