Reviews for Samurai SEED
Rage0fPhoenix chapter 59 . 7/1
oh my goodness . what a roller coaster! haven't been on FF net for a while due to personal reasons but boy am I so happy to see that you updated! seriously! this story is unparalleled! the building up of the plot and the characters! I read this thing about 3 times now and it's more than a million words! Im so excited for the next arc!
Hinate chapter 1 . 7/1
Kira Lacus forever...
gotra reread from the start... idk how many days it'll take but this is a legend and I can't stop from rereading from start... whenever I get new chapters off to go...
Thank you so much for the updates...
Take care! Stay Safe~~
hardcoreGSfan chapter 59 . 6/27
WOW what a finale! Also, I feel like I should've seen that non-magical food bit coming lol makes sense

Went back and reread a little bit. Not everything (I want to, but aaaah not enough real life time! sad face), but enough to know that my earlier theory about why Kira ended up in Terminal never held up at all, because this entire arc is before Lenore went to Junius the second time (albeit VERY shortly before, as Kira is already 8 here and his missing year of memories was from age 8 to age 9) and Kira and Athrun only parted after Lenore died. Somehow I totally forgot about that lol

Athrun mentions here that when Kira retired from being Noir, Kira paid a price. I wonder if it was a memory wipe of whatever he did while he was Noir? Still trying to figure out how Kira spent so much time with Lacus as a kid knowing that she's Lacus Clyne and then had 0 recollection of her when they met again on Junius. Not to mention that when Lacus dove into Kira's head in Junius, it didn't seem like she found anything regarding his being Noir (IIRC, she did it twice, and while she wasn't poking around the second time because she was on a mission due to Ankoku Shiki, I think she wasn't as focused or something the first time and bumped into a bunch of random memories? I'll have to reread that part later)
Peita Mae Jovero chapter 59 . 6/27
Thank you very much for the updates!
I really really love this story!
BeenWaiting chapter 59 . 6/27
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! A fine finish to a beautiful Arc. More scale, more intrigue. And finally! The CENTRAL PLAINS! Mwahahahahaha
Fortitude501 chapter 59 . 6/27
Ah the Mask man of the hour has finally arrived.


Seriously i was really anxious to see when will Zero finally appear and now... Here he is.
Sofi276 chapter 59 . 6/26
Yasuo chapter 59 . 6/26
I think I and many others, are very happy to say WELCOME BACK! And great chapters! I finished reading them much too quickly for my own liking!
BeenWaiting chapter 58 . 6/20
YES! Another GREAT Chapter as always! Love,and hate, the cliffhanger thou. Love it cause it keeps me wanting more, and hate it cause it keeps me wanting more. Confusing, i know. Thou, i need to refresh read again so i can see where plot holes dwell. For Kira to not remember Lacus, even with the memory wipe, is kinda confusing at best and absurd at worst. Also, WHERE IS ROWENA RAVENCLAW?! Thank you and KEEP IT UP! We are rooting for you!
Sofi276 chapter 58 . 6/19
Guest chapter 57 . 6/18
Wow. This is a lot of jumping back and forth. Great job in connecting the 2 timeline. Very interesting. I like it.
Rage0fPhoenix chapter 1 . 6/13
I've been rereading the whole story from the start and wow it's amazing how the pieces just fit together and yet still add more mysteries to keep the excitement... it's just insane how you kept the suspense throughout every part of this story when it has more than 1 million words... I can never get tired of reading this.. especially this latest arc, I mean I wanna know what happened to Kage in Shuhan but I really enjoy this time skips and world building you do more than I ever thought.. it's just amazing how you put so much information but still keeps the readers from being overwhelmed... Pure respect! One of the very best story (if not the best)
BeenWaiting chapter 57 . 6/13
YES! A beautiful chapter, as always. Kira's deduction skill is always a pleasure read. Keep it up!
Guest chapter 57 . 6/13
What a cliffhanger! Great story with excellent plot!
How come Kira cannot recognize Lacus when they've met and interact so much in the past. She might not due to hidden vital signs, but Kira should...
hardcoreGSfan chapter 57 . 6/13
I wonder... Is this Kira's missing year of memories? That would explain why Kira reacted to Lacus as if he had never seen her before when they (re)met on Junius.

There are some things that I'd need to double check, though, since I don't remember all of the details. (But searching shouldn't be too bad, thankfully, because the chapters have helpful names! Of course, there's still the question of whether I have enough real life time to search lol)

Some things I'd need to check:

- The age is, at the very least, ABOUT right. Kira is 8 here. That's why I'm considering the possibility of this being Kira's missing year. But I don't remember the EXACT age Kira was when he woke up in Terminal, so I'd have to go find that.
- IIRC, Kira said his last memory before Terminal was of parting with Athrun. And IIRC again, we actually already saw that memory at some point! And they said goodbye as Kira and Athrun (and the scene was similar to our beloved canon scene of Kira and Athrun parting in CE 68 in Copernicus), NOT as Noir and Rosso. I also don't remember why they were parting for good in that scene. Was it because Athrun was being sent to the military? Hmm.

Of course, future chapters may completely debunk this theory. But right now, with what I can remember, it seems possible that this "vacation" is going to end in Noir doing something so extreme that he gets sent to Terminal. Whatever his experiment here is could possibly be that extreme thing. For all I know, the Imperius Curse could exist here as something edible that he laced the food with lol
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