Reviews for In Your Eyes
Riddle-Snape chapter 17 . 4/17/2017
could be good, but then someone had to ruin it no? -_- waste of time
crb819 chapter 31 . 3/3/2014
i really like it when the next one be out
sasunaruoneechan chapter 15 . 3/15/2013
First of all ive got to say; This is an amazing story. a good storyline that ceeps on goin. most fanfics are just a few pages so, i like the longer one's cuss here actually some things happen and not just yaoi and the confession.
I like the twist at the end. The big question; who is Naruto's imposter? remainds me of blood prison. if i were you id leave orochimaru and itachi out of the picture. think weither youd wanna have it a prank (that goes to far) or a seareus threat towards naruto (or someone else?). it would also be interestin if the entire village turns against naruto, exept for sasuke. or that sasuke would have to determine who the real naruto is and who the fake facing two naruto's. but whit an imposter like that, i think puttin some humor in it will be good. all kind of pranks done by the fake naruto and the real one cleanin up the mess. XD
i hope this was a little helpfull. ;)
I enjoyd reading every page of this story till now and i know you wont dissapoint your fans. thnx for sharin it whit us! good luck! sasunaru forever! 3
KOHANAISYOURMASTER chapter 27 . 1/18/2013
Itachi also means Weasel!
NinetailFoxme9 chapter 21 . 11/14/2011
Bhahahahah silly sasuke all girl like and fainting. Lol very muchly amusing and interesting things happin in this story, again very awesomly written and the characters well done. I think this was just pure excellents, and i so hope u have written other stories XD


keep up awesome skills!
NinetailFoxme9 chapter 6 . 11/14/2011
hahahahah fox child likes this chapter alot, how embarressment for sasuke eek. But great writing style, very humerous, and characterous very awesomly correct. So far this story is the higlight to my week, I have found it that amusing and interesting. So i say AWESOME job and im leaving on that note coz i wanna read more heheheh

Neo6669 chapter 31 . 10/12/2011
Wow i kinda was hopping for a bonus chapter i wanna know who each one is more like and sasuke got the other twin right?
dominygringa chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
loved it
Night-Witch-Watch-Out chapter 31 . 3/19/2011
im counfused! (not hard for me) did the babies die? please tell me!

other than my normal counfution;(sorry for spelling) that was outstanding story! i read on my dsi every night, i have been reading this for three nights(i take that back 4 days, cuz one night i was un able to get on the internet), 2 hours each.

i found this when i looked up suiside, i was bored i havent read any good storys in FOREVER! i loved it all exepted the end, cuz i was counfused.
Izzy chapter 28 . 9/5/2009
Whoops nevermind. You already corrected that, o3o; By the way, the reason I am not reviewing besides these two reviews is because I read this on my DS (R4 card. Lets me read text)
Izzy chapter 27 . 9/5/2009
o.0 Itachi means Weasel. Lol (If you want to reply, I'm AriSeptona. Too lazy to sign in. ))
Byebyei4gothisexisted chapter 31 . 6/16/2009
Kitsune309 chapter 10 . 8/1/2008
Shikamary? Interesting name. I didn't know Shikamaru got a sex change...
Kuromi-Tenshi chapter 27 . 7/28/2008
actually Itachi means weasel...
The Imperial Artist chapter 1 . 5/8/2008
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