Reviews for Melissa
StopTheWorldImGettingDizzy chapter 1 . 5/29/2006
Oh wow, I totally missed that there was a new BL fic!

Wow, this was really good. The visualizations and characterizations were perfect. Alan's "half arrogant smile," Melissa's little movements and the quotes they represent, the image of the pen and the marshmallow package- priceless and lovely and very amusing.

"Melissa stop me if I’m wrong...but isn’t a job of a secretary to uphold the office environment without leaving it in disarray." that was so very in character, I could HEAR alan saying it to her. And the last image of her lips mouthing what she was writing was great.

I hope there is more to come- BL needs good ff writers, and you certainly are one!
Claro3 chapter 1 . 5/12/2006
Alan! Melissa! JOY!

Um, yeah. There is a serious dearth of Alan/Melissa fics, and I'm glad someone is rectifying that.

I use the term Alan/Melissa loosely. Meaning, well, anything that includes Alan and Melissa in the same post, or even the same story.

One quick note: Crane, not Krane.

Other than that, I loved it, and I'm looking forward to more!
wizardfreak chapter 1 . 5/9/2006
woohoo Melissa and Alan forever! Add another chapter soon!