Reviews for Dramatis Personae
Cookie-the-Rookie chapter 1 . 4/25/2013
I really don't get what the painting represents. Please explain it to me.
Ruler of Emptyness chapter 5 . 1/19/2013
Well, Ken-Chan did not quite kill the former 11th, if you read the new arc.
elektricstorm chapter 5 . 8/10/2010
Wow. I don't think I've ever come across a story in script format like that before :P Most of them are all meant to be 100% crack, where the characters are all uberly OOC...

Well, anyway! Great job, and I hope you add more chapters soon!
rukilala chapter 5 . 5/21/2007
*sniffs* that was so sweet.

Very in character and very well written. I've always felt kind of bad for Yumichika, always having to be the voice of reason in his dysfunctional little family.

You've captured the relationship the four of them have really well. Great job.

Fusako-hime chapter 4 . 4/4/2007
This works much better this time around. I felt that both Renji and Byakuya were much more in character. Nice job with the re-write! (_)
Fusako-hime chapter 3 . 3/11/2007
I wanted to review for this chapter since no one has reviewed for it yet (and since you mentioned before how you wished someone would :-P). Like I told you before, just reading this chapter made me want to cry. I didn't, but I really wanted to. Your characterizations of both Orihime and Tatsuki are so on the mark, in my opinion. Especially Orihime. She's just so sweet and so kind, but she can be so blind at the same time. And Tatsuki...well, we've talked about this pairing so you know my opinion on it. But yes, it was very touching and oh so very sad. Good writing, as always. (_)
Corgi chapter 2 . 1/27/2007
If you do another chapter, it'd be what they call a 'hat trick', right?

You vindicate my thinking here! I've been suspecting Ukitake-taicho serves as the X.O. for the Gotei 13 for a little while now, just from little clues (Kyouraku-taicho managed to slither out of the job, obviously). I liked the implication that the 13th's third-seats have been retained as assistants precisely so Ukitake can avoid choosing a new fukutaicho. The sincere sentimentality that swirls around Shiba Kaien is truly heartbreaking; it seems to be Ukitake's greatest weakness, feeling too strongly.

Writing this effectively and this briefly simultaneously is a great gift. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Corgi chapter 1 . 1/27/2007
I've been hanging around people with overly nettish language habits, because the first phrase I thought of after reading both these chapters was 'you are full of WIN!' Wonderful! I have been told that the fandom at large seems to be annoyed with Momo for her lack of perception, or her lack of speedy healing, but you have picked up on what I have a gut feeling is true: She is broken. She may never be well again. She certainly can't lead the 5th into war. It goes far beyond 'being dumped by a boyfriend', and you understand that so well in your vignette.

The dramatic devices used - internally, the painting; externally, the script presentation - work excellently to create the right tension for the reveal. The blocking is very clear and your language creates strong visuals.

I'm gonna go prowl your list some more. :) (Over from Jedi B's 'Fav. Authors' list, by the way.)


Jedi Boadicea chapter 2 . 9/26/2006
YAY, new fic by Yakaji! Unfortunately, typing this review is tough, since I had my hand soundly thrashed in sword training last night (gotta learn better timing on those parries), so it may be shorter than I would like. I'm not accustomed to two finger typing...

As usual, I greatly enjoyed this. As has happened with quite a few Bleach characters once I started writing them, Ukitake has really rocketed upwards in my list of favorites, and so I particularly enjoyed seeing you address him here. As a tribute to both Kubo's artwork and to your caputring of character here, I could really *see* Ukitake's expressions as i read his dialogue.

I can definitely imagine Yamamoto coming to him with this concern, as I have to imagine that everyone feels it is past time for the 13th to have another VC. I can also imagine him going around Ukitake's back by addressing Byakuya himself, though it was something Ukitake would not wish done - that's very in keeping with the single-minded sort of ruthlessness Yamamoto has been shown to employ when it comes to his decision making. Not always the best trait, imo, as the story has shown, but definitely something appropriate for a man in such a big leadership position.

But my favorite bit is, as intended I think, the idea that Ukitake is Yamamoto's choice of successor, which I love and can totally believe. The idea that Yamamoto is having a difficult time moving on from that choice makes him much more sympathetic, in that moment, than he often seems.

But ok, that's as much typing as I can handle. :) But it was definitely fun to read more fic by you! Here's to hoping for more Pull Down the World soon!
Kracken l.w chapter 2 . 9/26/2006
alliedoll chapter 2 . 9/25/2006
interesting character studies. can't wait till you get to zaraki.
Winter's Light chapter 1 . 5/12/2006
Jedi Boadicea chapter 1 . 5/9/2006
Man am I lucky I'm bored stiff tonight and surfing through familiar websites again. :)

This is definitely a deviation from what one is used to seeing in fanfic, but maybe because I used to be a drama student this format still works well for me. If nothing else, it puts you immediately into a strong observer's position, which lets the impact of a device like the closing one really hit home.

This was so sad, because I can honestly imagine Hinamori being just this messed up after she wakes. Well, I mean, we can already see the first signs of that, from chapter 224. And poor Hitsugaya... he is so not cut out to be the gentle guide for anyone in the position, but he would never be able to turn his back, no matter how hard it got for the both of them. And I think it would kill him little by little even more than it does Hinamori, because... well... especially the way you presented her here, she's not as aware of it as he is.

"I keep thinking about you when I paint."

That line is especially harsh when you actually get to see the painting.

I'm very curious to see how you continue this, and which characters you might tackle next.