Reviews for Growth
TigressJade chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
I've vaguely thought of it as well, but I always figured she'd have decendents to leave behind for her father's to get to know as well. If she's straight she'll have children and if she's not she'll adopt. I can see where it would be a very serious situation for them though. Wolfram would understand that more than most as his mother sometimes took human lovers. He'd have seen the passage of tme effect them more than him, Conrad, Cecilie or Gwendel. He does have a point though, they'll always be there for her. heh It's a double edged sword I guess. Anyway, nice little drabble there. It certainly puts the story itself into perspective. You did an awesome job writing it. ;)
Daikaio chapter 1 . 11/6/2006
This was nice I loved it.
lindsaylaurie chapter 1 . 5/17/2006
Aw! Cute! I've thought about that too, that Greta would one day look as old as them.
Blueraingurl chapter 1 . 5/16/2006
I really like this. Yuuri and Wolfram's relationship and growth is very pronounced here, in a very non-obvious way with you not having to elaborate it any further.

Wolfram is in-character and his maturity is very plausible. I also love the fact that Yuuri may have matured himself after their conversation and after realizing that Wolfram had indeed reflected a lot about Greta and how the blond had watched his daugther grow throughout the years.

This also leaves me with a sweet feeling that Yuuri and Wolfram will continue to watch as Greta becomes a woman, gets married and eventually have children of her own. But there was also that lingering sadness that they will eventually 'outlive' her.

And when Yuuri said "strapping young men," I was a bit thrown off. But then I realized that yes, Yuuri is sometimes dorky like that I like the slice of life feel to this fic/drabble. Thanks for posting this.
Yumechou chapter 1 . 5/16/2006
Aww...this is so sweet! *_*
Nomen Ist Omen chapter 1 . 5/14/2006
For a "first", this is quite good. In fact, you managed to nail the characters' down perfectly. Yuuri is still his oblivious and ignorant self while Wolfram scolds him for being a "wimp"- it was amusing to read their interaction.

The fic is not too short, not all stories have to be epics in order to be well-written or readable.
NaTsUkO-ChAn chapter 1 . 5/13/2006
Frosty Pig chapter 1 . 5/13/2006
Wolfram is awesome in this. Yuuri is lucky to have him as a... lover? Such a wierd word, _! Really cute and the fluff made me cry a little. Dont worry though, I cry because its cute!
Sora-Morikawa chapter 1 . 5/12/2006
, that's what everyone fears... Greta is human... it'll be soo hard for Yuuri and Wolf


thanx! /
pinksnow chapter 1 . 5/12/2006
cute idea!Wolfie is so kawaii!