Reviews for The Lights Of Port Royal
Erik Lehnhserr chapter 40 . 10/6/2016
This story is brilliant. I was addicted to it. Thank you for creating it.
Miss puddel chapter 40 . 6/20/2016
I just found this story and I don't know if you are still connected to , so that you vet notifications if someone reviews. I thought I should send an pm, but I don't remember my usename... .
But, this story was amazingly well written, it was not just an quickfix with Norrington romance, IT was a real story!
And also, endlessly curously as I am, after Reading your aurora note so many years after, I am curious to know how it did go with you studying history and such...
Anne Katrine
P-Webes chapter 40 . 11/25/2015
Love the story! It would be awesome if you write a equal to it! :)
Guest chapter 40 . 3/31/2015
I must say that this was quite possibly one of the best pieces of literature that I have read on this website! Your word choices, grammar, storyline/plot, and portrayal of the characters was absolutely brilliant. I loved every chapter of it, and I have to admit that I devoured the whole thing in a single evening.
This story has also ripped apart my heart, made me fll out of my chair with laughter, and have several fangirling seizures (maybe a slight exageration, but who cares)!
If you would be willing to write a sequel, that would be wonderful! But only, of course, if nothing happened to our dear Norie! Keep writing and have a wonderful day.

A writer wanna-be, who was too lazy to sign into her account before posting. :)

P.S. Please excuse any errors, as I am very ardously typing this up on a mobile device (it happens to be a Kindle Paperwhite to be precise). :)
RandomCitizen chapter 8 . 6/5/2013
Haha, I can see Grooves as one of the friends that'll take your side wholeheartedly, with no sympathy to the opposition to his bud's happiness. Shame in a way.
RandomCitizen chapter 6 . 5/23/2013
An orgy really? Your wife man Grooves. XP
Well Elizabeth would respect previously made arangements. . . Well before she became a Jack killing pirate king.
RandomCitizen chapter 5 . 5/22/2013
Plantation. :p
Agent007Tomato chapter 39 . 1/12/2012
oh and I forgot to mention, I think you got James spot on; such a wonderful character. and I very much like Alicia as well.
Agent007Tomato chapter 40 . 1/12/2012
that was absolutely lovely! I'm charmed. I appreciate the their similar nature; how things started off slowly, pridefully, and with a great deal of reservation on both their parts. their a perfect fit. cheers!
Arderyth chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
/x/ tells me you have my copy of Silent hill.
dminju chapter 40 . 2/28/2009
This story was so nice. I loved the way you wrote it.
rockstop57 chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
I have been meaning to review this story for about a year now and have finally gotten around to registering. At some point I will re-read it and leave more constructive comments, but I have to say that you are my HEART for writing this. I always knew Norrington's thoughts would be funny as all get-out. Too, too sweet for words. THANK YOU.

And yes, a sequel would be nice...but this stands alone perfectly well.
damdamin chapter 40 . 2/13/2008
Amazing. Breathtaking. One of the best Norrington/OC fictions I have ever read. Your writing style is so elegant and precise, yet it doesn't border on babbling. It's so natural, the flow of the descriptions. Just. Hands down, amazing. The ending was open and simple, and yet so very enjoyable. I would love it if you wrote a sequel, but I'd be fine with just leaving the story as is. Again, amazing! I wish more people would write about a happy Norrington with a normal woman. This was more than a refreshing read.

Keep it up~!
Coraline's3 chapter 40 . 3/1/2007
I have been waiting for months now for you to write a sequel. I live off of this story so if you could PLEASE WRITE A SEQUEL it would be much appreciated to us that love the Commodore even though he is a villain in Pirates 2...but villains are who cares?
sudoku chapter 2 . 11/17/2006
I enjoyed it so far. I was putting it off reading this story because it was very long and was incomplete before. I will save up reading the rest later. Adding it to my fav list.

*help you hug Norrington (not Scruffington, but I do not mind either way)* We need more Norrington supporters.
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