Reviews for Fire May Burn
Guest chapter 7 . 9/8/2016
I am confused. Your main character (who is clearly your Mary Sue since you are using the first person for her) says she lost her faith after her accident and didn't go to church but now all of the sudden she's acting all holier-than-thou with Johnny? And they walked several blocks with the kind of knee pain that makes her willing to potentially be paralyzed for life and didn't even limp?

Try for a little more realism and consistently in your stories.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/7/2016
I hope no one believes that a new patient meets her doctor over dinner. That is unprofessional and creepy, to say the least.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/15/2015
I love how deep and full of emotion this is! I'm in love
Taeniaea chapter 29 . 10/16/2012
cool story
AJ Azalea chapter 29 . 2/24/2011
This s probably the best written F4 fanfic I've read so far on this site.

I hope you can update again soon!
PoPCoRn chapter 29 . 1/25/2009
Love this story to bits and pieces. I'm wondering if we'll see an update sometime in the near future?
Astra-The-Goddess chapter 29 . 12/2/2008
OH! I like her power! But that thing next to her heart, I don't like! It's foregin, weird, and it's evil! She's got a jeckle and hyde thing going on. In my story(Fantastic 6) My people have a similar power, it just hasn't been discoverd yet. That or I droped that power idea all together, I don't know.
Lulu Belle chapter 16 . 10/25/2008
Johnny needs to have a "coming to Jesus" so to speak... maybe he's a fraid to get too close because he might discover he might actually feel; afraid of the possibility that another will leave him, like his mom?
Lulu Belle chapter 15 . 10/25/2008
Lulu Belle chapter 14 . 10/25/2008
wow... very dramatic ending
lulu Belle chapter 13 . 10/25/2008
wow... *shivers* defintely didn't see THAT coming! It is reminding me of something akin to the ring or dark waters I think. Actually, more like Bloody Mary from Universal's Haunted House... A guy is looking at his reflection in the mirror, Mary is on the other side in her own world... she wipes blood from her nailless fingers on the mirror, then we see the guy moving closer to the mirror (his vantage point), and Mary breaks through the glass with a snarl, eyes white.


I seriously can't wait! Please, you but start posting more before I catch up!

"I hate waiting"

Inigo Montoya
Lulu Belle chapter 12 . 10/25/2008
been wondering this for a while, is selene by chance the woman from the beginning? You mentioned cat eyes, and the woman int he beginning was grinning wickedly...

yay for big bro reed! (he seems like that to johnny)
lulu Belle chapter 11 . 10/24/2008
Some reason the internet hates me and cut me out again from a review... though it wouldn't have been much for the last chapter... just me falling off my chair...

So I am guessing Portman (reminds me of might ducks!) was the red heard rogue in the stables?

He is very intriguing, so is their devious plot.

No more tonight. I am stiff and must awaken early tomorrow. Adios.
Lulu Belle chapter 9 . 10/24/2008
I like! Very good, I really can't wait to find out more now that he knows about her knee... Is she needing knee replacement surgery? My dad had it a few years back, after resisting it for 7 years though it was strongly recommended, even though he hurt it over 30 years ago...
Lulu Belle chapter 8 . 10/24/2008
some reason I couldn't review the last chapter, so here i am! YAY! *grabs your arm and swings you around as I join in the happy dancing* Sue's having a baby! Johnny's gonna be an uncle!

Teehee! I absolutely loved his reaction to the news! Love love love it! And I loved Jo's reactions and the flying plate of death in the previous chapters almost as much!

but when will Johnny finaly put two and two together about Jo?
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