Reviews for Montana
Shadow315 chapter 137 . 9/17/2015
They're going to get married without his family?! And all the crew from NY? I'd be so hurt and really upset!
Shadow315 chapter 120 . 9/17/2015
I feel kinda bad ... they're all going out besides Danny.
webdlfan chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
I've actually read through a couple of chapters, and I know you're long through with this, but I'm really enjoying the old school Danny and Lindsay, and needed a little more of that! So thanks (even if it's too late). :)
Stampiej chapter 189 . 8/5/2012
Fantastic work! Such a long coherent story with excellent characters keep up the good work!
Stampiej chapter 190 . 1/12/2011
fantastic story!

Love lindsay:)
RedAmberGreen chapter 173 . 11/30/2008
i really like this

story and hope you will

do others


mjels chapter 100 . 9/24/2008

i like your story but you said that the tings that happent after stelling home we shold forget then this i dont get

“Who’d want to send me a bomb?” Lindsay asked.

“We don’t know it was a bomb.” Flack pointed out.

“It was bomb or what’s the technical term an ‘improvised explosive device’.”

“It would have started smoking if they wanted you to blow up.” Flack suggested.

“Let’s not discuss blowing things up.” Danny said glaring at Flack.

for if charge of this post not happen it was just somthing i notis

but i love you story

see you
mjels chapter 107 . 9/4/2008

i like lindsay in this story and your humor
mjels chapter 1 . 9/3/2008
i like it
soswimmer13 chapter 12 . 8/5/2008
colts are AFC, giants are NFC, the only time they played each other in the last few years was the year opener monday night football, brother against brother game.
soswimmer13 chapter 11 . 8/5/2008
you know, technically deep dish pizza has a thin crust. it just is more like a pie than a pizza. and deep dish is a chicago thing, while stuffed thick crust is a new york thing. (basically, i don't think they could get good deep dish in New york, since most new yorkers don't even believe chicago knows what pizza is)
NY-makes-me-happy chapter 190 . 6/24/2008
Very good story, gave me somehting to do with my day! LOL

glad it turned out well.
Peace.Love.CSI chapter 190 . 3/10/2008
Are you going to write a sequal for this ?

If you already have , could you pelase tell me in a message or something .

I love your stories !
Pedroia the Destroya chapter 4 . 2/22/2008
CaRiNeSs chapter 190 . 12/14/2007
Okay, I have been reading your story for like 2 days straight and finally finished it! This was so cute! I am glad they are together and having a baby! I can't wait to read the sequel... Awesome story :)
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