Reviews for Magician's Misery
Eienvine chapter 1 . 8/14/2016
I love this!
TheSecretCat chapter 1 . 5/8/2014
Hey, I know you're probably gone and stuff but if you ever come back, you might want to move this. There's a Mairelon the Magician category now.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
Loved it! Only one objection: I doubt mairelon knew Kim would come in. She wasn't supposed to know he was there. Other than that, excellent job! Could you please write the part with their conversation too! Pretty please?
Loki's Campaign Manager chapter 1 . 6/12/2013

I very much enjoyed your story! More people need to write for this fandom.

Also, it came to my attention that there were stories from those books, and yet there was no category for them. So I wrote the moderators and now there is one. I was able to switch my fic into it (I also write for that fandom), so you should be able to also.

Let's band together and make it easier for people to find our stories!

Loki's Campaign Manager
dribnevar chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
Love it! Perhaps you could do a POV of him while he tells Kim the news? just a thought. thank you! Magic and Malice (Mairelon the Magician / Magician's Ward) is my favorite book, I've read it at least five times. thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Eruanna17 chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Great story! I love reading this scene from his point of view. I think you really captured it well. You should do the scene where Kim comes in and talks to him. I'm sure you'd do a great job with it. )
Athena Goddess of the Wise chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
TOTALLY what he was thinking about in this scene:) I knew from the minute he told her that Lord Fenton had come to ask if he could propse to Kim.

Great job:)
Erulisse chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
Great job! I just finished rereading Magician's Ward, and really wanted to know Mairelon's thoughts before Kim came in. I think you captured it really well. It is short, but I think some more details would help expand it. I'd also really like to hear Mairelon's thoughts when Lord Franton talked to him; perhaps that's when he finally admits it to himself. It's short, but good! I'd love to see more. )
CynicalInkSlinger chapter 1 . 2/6/2009
Nice. I've always had a morbid interest in angst, and this scene is one of my favorites.
copperflame chapter 1 . 7/7/2008
There is one other thing I forgot (my only criticism). A difference in age of 10-11 years would by no means hinder a romance in the early 19th century; in fact, in the book itself Kim lists in her mind the points that make Mairelon a perfectly eligible bachelor, one of which is the fact that he is "not yet thirty." Just thought I'd point that out.
copperflame chapter 1 . 7/7/2008
I like it; I love imagining romances from the other person's perspective (or having them well-imagined for me)!

On a more technical note, good grammar and spelling and all (which too many people overlook).
dshael chapter 1 . 5/24/2008
I really like this - a missing scene I always wanted to read about! thanks.
Alicia chapter 1 . 11/30/2007
ah good old Mairelon the Magician. I loved those books. And there's oh so few fics for them. Quality not quantity though, right? Well done!
a witch named bob chapter 1 . 2/8/2007
Yay! A Magician's Ward fanfic, I love this universe and how your insight into it, I am now going to go read all of your other stories and if they are half as good as this is, I'll love them.
alynawatlovers chapter 1 . 2/2/2007
oh, I wish that you could write a sequel to it. I think that that would be so awesome! I love this story. I always wondered what Mairelon was thinking.
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