Reviews for A Change of Perspective
Mel chapter 12 . 7/31/2016
This fic is amazing and I really really hope you'll be posting the WIP you had for the next chapter if the fic is dropped /3
HeWhoCrys chapter 10 . 2/1/2013
Oh man! This is probably my favorite GetBackers fanfiction!
I keep reading and rereading it hope for an update!
Are you ever updating this one again!?
Oh I just gotta know what's happening to all of the GetBackers!
readasifallbookswillburn chapter 12 . 6/5/2012
I like it. I constantly blush, and i have my fingers crossed upon much more ringi/himiko smut, affection, and appearances. Im rooting for them so badly, there is not enough stories about himiko and either of the guys which include affection and love or smut. I'm eagerly awaiting your next upload.
pumpkinpickles chapter 12 . 4/26/2012
I am loving this story so much :D it's so funny and awesome! Please write more soon! :)
Ame Kage chapter 12 . 3/30/2012
I wanted to review and let you know that I'm loving this story and everything you've done with it. Including the detail you put behind everything. The lore you've added to the team's past is intriguing and I would truly love it if you could update again soon. This story has truly captured my attention. Thank you.
rune101 chapter 12 . 3/13/2012
Please, please, please, please update! I beg of you. I'm on my hands and knees here. On Ginji's hands and knees too! I love this, it's do beautifully written and the knowledge and sophistication with which it's written is impeccable. Not to mention it's my favorite pairing ever - Ban/Akabane.

Can't wait, love this fic!
pharaveej chapter 12 . 3/10/2012
This story is written so beautifully. Each scence and conversation flow smoothly and I love love the speed and direction of Ban and Akabane' relationship is developing. Can' t wait for the next chapter.
amethyst hunter chapter 12 . 1/4/2012
(At the library - having computer problems, hence the semi-anon review, heh.)

SO happy to see more of this fic! :D Don't feel too bad, I've got fics I sorely need to update and stupid real life always gets in the way, heh. But! Love, love the way you're writing the gang, B & A especially of course. :) Awww, Ban and Jackal getting to know each other...Ban's just as sharp with words as Akabane is with his knives! (I eagerly await the 'kiss-and-make-up' scenario. *chuckle* )

"Dr. Feels-You-Up-Good" - Damn near bust out laughing here after I read that! XD Every time I spot Ban's made-up nicknames I can't help but grin!

Love the way you write Himiko/Akabane too. They're an adorable (if aggressive) pair and my second most favorite pairing (after B & A).

Library time's short, so I'll stop here for now. But I'm so glad to see more from you! :)
HeWhoCrys chapter 12 . 12/31/2011

I do hope you'll update faster! I do!

It just seems like every time Akabane and Ban take a step forward they take two steps back! I do hope to find out the really reason for Akabane's headaches~

Hope to read an update soon!

Keep up the awesome work!
CheshireCatGrin3421 chapter 12 . 12/30/2011
omg yay you updated! I love this story plz update again soon!
Qiiirky chapter 12 . 12/11/2011
Thank you so much for all your hardwork and efforts! The story is really well-written and that is no easy feat considering the magnitude of it; so many pairings and OOCs! The interactions between Ban and Akabane (both are such enigmatic characters in their own rights and together, they are a deeply intriguing pair!) and their interactions with others are what I looked forward to most, but I also enjoy reading about the other pairings… Kudos for weaving such an intricate web!

Once again, thanks for the update of chapter 12 (the length is awesome!) and clearly, your skills have been improving chapter by chapter! With such an exciting plotline, I can’t wait to know what happens next! ) May your muse be inspired!

Cheering on for you,


P.S Ban and Ginji are so young?
Red Cookies chapter 12 . 12/3/2011
I can see what you mean when you say it took you so LONG to update, but I am LOVING this story!

The plot is heavily interesting me and I hope you update soon~ (seeing an irritated Ban is also very entertaining)

P.S. I agree. Life-stuff is stupid -nods yes-
JBubbles chapter 12 . 11/6/2011
Oh, I'm so very happy that your muse returned to you and you presented this amazingly LONG and interesting chapter!

The OOC is perfectly understandable, and not very OOC-like, in my guess, 'cause, like you say, it is YOUR vision of GetBackers.

I really don't know what much to say, I adored all the almost smut, the laughing intermingle, the full action of the First Trial. But I adored to dioscover the "past" of Akabane and the type of violin of Ban.

Keep on trying to lock your muse with you forever!

see you soon, hopefully, kisses!
Ivy Jane Backer chapter 12 . 11/3/2011
Love the new update and can't wait for the next one! Ban and Akabane make the best main characters and learning all your info on both people's skills and past experiences fits well with them both and is totally awesome!
geecee chapter 11 . 11/3/2011
Hi! Sorry this is not a real review, but I need to say something because HOLY SHIT YOU UPDATED Ch.12! xDDD and the words You are kidding me...not! It will take a while for me to read (umm...perhaps refresh memories too...), but I am love this story and sure this will be a damn good read. Thanks for all your effort for this update. ILU *hearts you*
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