Reviews for Waiting
Jeri252 chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
love it...write more
MissDarkness101 chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
rita louise evans chapter 1 . 2/7/2007
Loved It
Pinayprincesa chapter 1 . 6/4/2006
aw so cute:)
Melissande chapter 1 . 6/3/2006
I love this story it was so cute. Good one. HOpe to see more of this pairing from you.
OTHlover04 chapter 1 . 6/3/2006
that was good
FromRushaWithLove chapter 1 . 6/3/2006
I liked this story. Funny and enertaining, keep up with the good work.
adamamy425 chapter 1 . 6/3/2006
To say that this is adorable would be a very big understatement. I love this one-shot. I think this is the best one-shot I have ever read. I can't get over this story. I think it's a good story to cheer people up if they are down. Lita is just too good in this story. The way that she loves this baby is just too cute for words. Have I mentioned this before, I just love this story to pieces. I hope that you do another one-shot with them and Jo. Loved this one-shot and can't wait until I read more from you.
Little-Miss-Rachel chapter 1 . 6/3/2006
I love you... Seriously, today is NOT good day for me considering my parents are fucking bitches that need to rot in hell. I'll explain that to you later... I hate people... I hate my life, to be more specific.

So anyway, sorry I went all crazy on you there for a minute. But when I saw this I was like AW! Because, yeah, I'm in love with this pairing. It actually made me smile. That's something no one has achieved since... yesterday at school. Wow... That's horrible, isn't it?

This was so cute, though. And you know I love that old lady and cats line. LMFAO.

I loved it! Paul and Lita should be together... LOL. Unless she's with Edge... But yeah, this one shot was awesome.