Reviews for Somnambulism
Akiri chapter 10 . 2/21/2011
Interesting. I like it. This is the first time I read something using this concept of Naruto and the fox. Keep up the good work and update soon.
Pawz4thought chapter 10 . 7/13/2008
This is really good!
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 10 . 7/11/2008
we've finished?

but i don't want to let it go

just like that,

says the fox.

[i think the whole thing of the chakra-buildup is just AWESOME! *runs around in circles*]
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 9 . 7/11/2008
begin where we started?

for not what we want

but for simply our hearts

as we were ordered to observe

in such a way

as would be suitable.

[*really likes kyuubi this chapter*]
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 8 . 7/11/2008
where's her place

this time around

this is the question

of those who know much better

than she

[lol, little itachi... somehow he seems to fit better than sasuke did.

or maybe not.

i dunno. *flaps hand dismissively*]
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 7 . 7/11/2008
which little blonde?

[sorry it's so short this time, but... yeah... *scratches neck, embarrassed*]
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 6 . 7/11/2008
i'm not some sort of monster!

are you allowed to tell me that, at least?

[hee hee, this is so cute~ i love how uzu-monkey (uzu-maki, uzu-monkey) is here *makes vague gesture to fanfiction*.]
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 5 . 7/11/2008
who do you like better

after seeing them fail

at the same thing

as themselves?

i haven't seen them

[i like how this is working, yo... *smiles and rocks back onto heels*]
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 4 . 7/11/2008
to be ignored

until it's useful;

the tale of the dandelion goes as such.

[*raises hand* what does CO mean?]
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 3 . 7/11/2008
when did i get here

to this place where they tell me i belong?

what am i doing here

if they don't want me doing what i want to do?

who are you

to tell me that you won't believe in me without reason?

why is it that

these chances are offered to everyone but me?

how the hell

did i end up

where i am?

[Takada seems cool... is he your OC?]
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 2 . 7/11/2008
i hate not knowing me

or is that the right word to use

because i don't want to use them wrong

this time around

[this is a really cool idea...]
slack-jawed cheese hugger chapter 1 . 7/11/2008
we're starting out from here again today for the second time

this time around i swear not to make the same mistakes i did before

if i was given such a chance to prove myself then i have to take it, right?

the only way i can succeed in this venture is if you promise to believe in me.

it's not too much to ask from a person who's pretending to know me

forgotten are the pains and the things i did incorrectly


can you tell me?

[i wrote it for you. i hope you like it as much as i like this story!]
ayakane chapter 10 . 6/25/2008
Great story! Looking forward to reading more.
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 9 . 9/17/2007
Rin does NOT like that fox...and I can't say I really blame her. That was...creepy.

So, as the seal weakens, is there going to be a physical difference (mainly I think the eyes-maybe if you didn't want to make them change to completely demon eyes, then maybe consider having his pupils slit but no color change, or only a color change but no slits-, or at least the "whiskers"). I think it only makes sense that if the Kyuubi were in charge, he'd have to be subconsciously using his chakara which would undoubtedly have some serious effects on Naruto's body.

Anywho, yeah. :D Booyah. Looking forward to more.
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 8 . 9/17/2007
Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Those three? ON A TEAM! You sure like irony, don't you?

I'm liking the story so far. Good description, interesting thoughts, I like the differences from the actual story because they bring up some good questions and thoughts as well (although, wouldn't training constantly day and night, whether your mind was sleeping or not be pretty bad for you? I mean, look what that did to Gaara).

My only problem, is that the chapters seem so short, and it makes the story seem a bit on the choppy side. I think you could combine three of your chapters into one and be just fine.

Anywho, that's my opinion. :D
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