Reviews for Blindfolded
Invader Zara chapter 8 . 6/27/2013
I MADED ME AN ACCOUNT! WHOOO! Imna add you to my favorites, and add ALL of the stories! ... That you write... Stuff like that... Can I do that on here? YES! YES I CAN!... What was I doing . Oh yeah! I KNOW WHY IT'S CALLED BLINDFOLDED! CUZ OF YOUR SONG! WHICH IS AWESOME BY THE WAY! Xp it's always stuck in my head ,or at least how I think it would sound with a little musical track my demented little thirteen year old mind came up with for it :T but anyways this is really long cause I already read all your stories and I thought I should go back and say how awesome your song was.. Even though you already know that.. Cus you made it's been three years tho... But you're probly already in college cus you said you were sixteen when you were writing the other ones... But hey didju hear bout invadercon THREE THE FINAL DOOM? The head pigeons and green mustard anime are donatin monies for it , you know bout the head pigeons? We got twenty thousand people to write letters in all at once to Nick studios so we could show them how many people are supportive of it we called it Project massive..maybe you already know all this and you were part of us Head Pigeons and you helped... But yeah if we get the show back , they'll have invadercon in Texas and it'd all be real -HOOOOO! So yeah.. G'bye..G'bye..G'bye,G'bye... I'm gettin eaten by a shark!
Invader Zara chapter 7 . 6/24/2013
Lol " rar you hurt my kids" the random dude kinda reminds me if the guy Nny killed at the mall for taking squee.. Nny and squee have such an adorable sibling-ish relationship xD anyhow OH MY GOD the Dib and gaz thing was cute x3 but... Meh... Zim- going the wrong way- tak is no in der
Invader Zara chapter 6 . 6/24/2013
Holy fudge...DIB GOT BITCH SLAPPED! I KNEW He had something to do wif it! And now I'm POSITIVE the meekrob have WATER... DIB must have SENT IT TO THEM! OH MY GOD ! DA FLASHLIGHT! DA ZIM! DA TAK! THE DIB-HUMAN! I KNEW IT! ASSUUUUGGGHHHHG!... :T
Invader Zara chapter 5 . 6/24/2013
Omg... I'm positive the liquid is water now... TAKS GONE!? NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU . HER! Lol a bitch slap and a flashlight? Okaaaayyyy... It now occurs to me that since these Fanfics of your are at least five years old, and you probably aren't even READING these reviews, once I finish reading these,... ILL HAVE TO FIND NEW ONES! NUUUUUUUUU-oh well. It'll be nice while it lasted..-UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Anyhow, you still rock at writing and you're AWESOME and stuff because I've become addicted to only the most realistic of ZaTr, as you've probably noticed of you ever read this. It's the only actual pairing I like. So yeah these are like my online vice for now :3
Invader Zara chapter 4 . 6/24/2013
I love this! Poor zim omg I bet he's gonna fake sleep and sneak out ( insert shocked emoji that won't show up in review here) itS SO SAD HE KNOWS ABOU HIS MISSION BEIN A LIE! WHAAAAA ... I'm gonna cry... Omg what if he does sneak out of the ship in his purple spacesuit thingeh? OMG WHY CAN'T I STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!? I'm gonna read the next part now
Invader Zara chapter 3 . 6/24/2013
Omg... I gotta read more... Poor bunneh from pop pop ... And I OOH I BET THE SUBSTANCE IS WATER! I bet.. I think that's what's.. Ehhh.. I love the JTHM reference ! Just one more thing I gotsta say
Invader Zara chapter 2 . 6/24/2013
Omf...this is weird... But at the same time... GOOD..: VAS HAPPENING?awesome story though... Lol THAT was a turn on zim... XD they're gonna stalk the tallest..." ... I don't like you" xD they're SO FREAKING FUNNEH AND YOU ROCK! Your writing... It fills me... It is neat xD see what I did there? Lol
rc3wondere chapter 2 . 4/23/2013
Nothing like a good romantic story to cheer a sad lonely and depressed person up thanks for the awesome story:)
Haku1013 chapter 10 . 7/16/2011
Yay! I finished it!


I miss you 'Blindfolded'

Why was it called Blindfolded? I dont recall any blind peoples or folds of any kind! Did you lie to us? You did, didnt you? Didnt You? DIDNT YOU?
Haku1013 chapter 5 . 7/15/2011
I have this nasty habit of stubbing my big toe into EVERYTHING. So I win. Nyeh.
Guest chapter 10 . 6/16/2011
i have just pulled an all-nighter with just ONE bottle of mt dew... it usually takes two... oh 2 more things... first i still cant get this outta my head... HEY! thats mean... and second... YOU WILL NEVER GET MY SQUIDILYSPOOCH!o3o o3e
whitestar chapter 6 . 6/16/2011
HEY!... that was mean... '-.-
Invader Tenn Is Awsome chapter 9 . 12/8/2010
Twitches- when tall people see something mushy they get a case of the it disturbs them and the mushy stuff include someone they REALLY hate they end up with a really bad case.

I luv this show!
KuzahnahandKuzohnohInc chapter 8 . 12/8/2010

I luv that line!
KuzahnahandKuzohnohInc chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
I luv ya Random Crap

Bits. Heheh. Kil, more bees.

Kil is my OC so steal her and,uh,

PAY! Yeah. Ok.
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