Reviews for Performance Art
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
Good characterization! It's nice to see some fics that grasp their relationship and understand the characters.
Madison chapter 1 . 3/11/2011
(15,F,USA) There wasn't one part of this I didn't absolutly love. I really liked how you allowed Joker to let his walls come down for a change and then pull them right back up again. Wonderful inside thoughts from Harley too. Five stars, the best Harley/Joker fanfiction i've ever read. Would LOVE more like it.
Concolor44 chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
Ah. The textbook example of a dysfunctional relationship. Well, what might one expect from the Joker, after all?

Creep. He makes me want to wash.
MilitzaG chapter 1 . 5/14/2010
I freaking love Harley Quinn this story gives me goosebumps! The two in their crazy element i always pictured them in a D/s situation!
McKeeks chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
This is really good! Like seriously brillaint, I love everthing about this story. Well done, I do hope you write alot more about this pairing. Thanks for such an awesome story!
whitealmond chapter 1 . 1/7/2010
Goddess of Cliffhangers chapter 1 . 7/5/2009
I thought you had some good characterization going. It was dark without being too heavy or over the top. Oddly enough, there was something poignant and not sweet but strangely endearing about the way you wrote it. It's hard to identify fully with characters like these but you root for their twisted romance like any fairytale couple/starcrossed lovers especially the way you've written it. My only issue was with the way he ended it. To me, his physical violence is less crunching and more slapping. Quickly and viciously inflicting pain, not showing off strength or breaking what is his in a way that would destroy it's beauty. Cartoons can always bounce back, but I never saw him as doing something to break her to that degree, hurt her yes, but not break her. I love the last line though. It just works so well with the way you built up to it. Well done. Thanks for a good read.

Much love, Cat
ice dyaty chapter 1 . 12/9/2008
Very dark yet I enjoyed the fic
Miss Malfaisant chapter 1 . 11/2/2008
That was... alright. A bit anticlimactic and disappointing, but overall the phrasing and tone was pulled together enough and it was nice to read.

I don't give pleasant reviews...well, almost ever, so don't feel too discouraged.
xX .Pirate Queen. Xx chapter 1 . 9/11/2008
haha, loved it! )
Garnetcorvid chapter 1 . 7/15/2008
hell Mista J would hate to have me as a pet...i'd be beggin him to abuse me 24/7 and then he'd get no fun out of it XD great little short that was. People think that blow jobs are degrading but, in all actuallity, the one giving it is the one in control, it's a nice role reversal between them even if it's only for a few moments. Great read!
Ayatolless chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
I LOVE THIS STORY! Definitely turned me on and the end made me laugh. Wow, I'm a sick twisted person. But I love them...
princessebee chapter 1 . 1/10/2008

My favourite parts:


She was his living doll, the pretty toy he broke into a million pieces

and reassembled by hand, made in his own twisted image.



It was like bringing a god to his knees, Harley thought dreamily as he

emptied himself into her with a gasping shudder.
Kichi chapter 1 . 11/13/2007
that was fucked up, i mean the very very end that is. anyway I liked it!
NightmareAhead chapter 1 . 3/10/2007
I want you to be happy. lol

This was a good fanfic. I liked it. I wish it was longer though.

I hate the fact that Joker treates her like shit and she still loves him. It seems a bit weird, but to be honest, it would be the same with me. If I got the chance to be with Joker, he could beat me up too. lol
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