Reviews for At the End of All Things
Mako-clb chapter 1 . 1/27/2016
Oh, so sad.
dumbblonde76 chapter 1 . 4/20/2007
how sad. :(

nicely written.
David Fishwick chapter 1 . 8/9/2006
Quite sad it explains why he was different after the war and i liked how she mentioned her grandfather's shadow. Touching moment between Jaina and Ben about how proud she is and she sent him away so he wouldn't see her die. Poor Leia to find out her son was the new Darth Vader must have frightened her.
walutahanga chapter 1 . 8/5/2006
Beautiful story. I don't usually get into star wars, but all of your stories - especially this one - just suck me in. There was such a sad, slow mood to it; the knowledge that she was dying, and yet complete acceptance of it. The way she sent Ben away, so he wouldn't have to see her die, just rang so true. Perhaps it's because I have a younger brother, and the theme of family and betrayal really hit home, but this made it onto the very short list of stories that have ever made me cry. Argh. Be proud. Now I have to go find a kleenex...
a b chapter 1 . 7/16/2006
this is a great story! i love how it ends(except the part with kyp, i'm not a big K/J shipper myself. But everyone has their own oppinions, so i won't judge.) keep up with the good work.