Reviews for Ano Kimochi no Mukou
Naruto4Sakura chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
I've read and favorited this story a long time ago. Why I decided to come back now and leave a review I don't know. Any who I agree with the author's note you left behind at he beginning of the story. For some reason I myself don't know why people envision Trunks being the uke and Goten as the seme. I know people interpret their relationship differently, but going by the manga and what we saw in the anime it was quite clear that Trunks had a take charge attitude while Goten just followed. As they got older, from what little we saw during the end of Z, their dynamic had change. Even though they didn't interact that much towards the end and based off of their personality types it's not hard to believe that if they ever did become a couple Trunks would be the Seme and Goten the uke. I personally don't view GT as canon for obvious reasons. GT had wonderful ideas, but in my honest opinion they were executed poorly. However, this story was wonderful. I love how we are able to see how conflicted Trunks feels about this whole ordeal. Great story and keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
Well... the story was very very lovely, but your author's notes kind of made me a bit uncomfortable. I always liked Trunks and Goten because (in my own interpretation) they don't really fit perfectly in the seme and uke stereoypes, which I find nice. I like thinking the switch or something. In any case, I think in most cases that is up to one's interpretations of the characters, you know? I don't think people who find Trunks uke are idiots at all. Maybe you see them in some way, some other people see them in a different way. I, for instance, don't really see Goten as the obedient and submissive little Chibi a lot of people see him as, and I don't see Trunks as a super seme dominant person either, and I don't think that makes me an idiot or anything. It's just my own interpretation.

Well, I don't even know if you're gonna read this or not, but just wanted to write that.

The story was very nice and well-written, which I agree with you it's very hard to find in Truten fics! I hope you keep writing about them :)

pen237 chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
Awww Goten. He would be that thoughtful! Nice story!
kalcia chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
That was pretty cool! I see you share my headcanons and it's awesome! :D
HoneyBee137 chapter 1 . 2/9/2013
SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Oh my god man that was fucking sexual!
fan fucking tastic bro!
anita04 chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
trooooooooooooooooooooooo cool i like this
mjmusiclover chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
ahh brilliant stuff :D, it's really well written :D
Tracybrat chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
I liked it. Very well written. Couldn't stop reading once I started. Can you write more. Do their parents know they are a couple?
KOHANAISYOURMASTER chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
(Holds heavily bleeding nose.)T-t-that was...very good.Y-y-your Master approves...very,very,very,very,very,very,VERY much.(Looks again and passes out from blood-loss.)
BigSister2 chapter 1 . 10/19/2010
By far one of my favorite and well written Goten and Trunks lemons I've had the pleasure of reading. It's very vivid and sexy. I love it.
kuriqa chapter 1 . 9/27/2010
*sits there trying to form words* ... *can't find any* this fic is so EPIC i can't think of proper words to describe it's amazingness... now see, i'm usually the kind to shy away from first person but with this... it felt so RIGHT to be in FP that i don't think it would have been as good if it was from third person... and i love that the characters still are in character! something rarely done right...

wonderful fic, thank you

killua977 chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
WOW this story was amazing i felt like it was atcully trunks talking

*looks at clock on the laptop* ahhh its 01:30 i promised myself ild go the bed at 1 ugh ive got to get up early tomorrow... oh well it was worth it ]
mariasantara chapter 1 . 10/31/2008
“Well, ya didn’t think I’d just let you plow me every night if it didn’t FEEL good, didja?”


Really good.
kayleigh24 chapter 1 . 3/23/2008
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