Reviews for Outcomes and Consequences
snapecastle96 chapter 32 . 10/11/2019
Overall I really loved the story. The only thing I would critique is the large gap from the last actual chapter to the epilogue was a bit of a jump. Other than that the story was great
smiles2go chapter 32 . 7/16/2017
Very interesting idea. In real life they would have had John making 'deposits' til he couldn't anymore.
Jess.E.D chapter 9 . 7/7/2014
So, they are making him give sperm to get people impregnated with his children in the hopes those children have the ata gene. Are those children going to have a choice in the way their life goes or are they going to be forcibly conscripted or heavily pressured in the 'name of defending earth' because I'm pretty sure thats slavery.
Sherry chapter 32 . 6/3/2013
Brillian it!
Guest chapter 21 . 6/2/2013
No oh no please no! Don't blind shepherded
loveinthemist chapter 32 . 8/18/2012
I enjoyed this story very much
the brown cow chapter 32 . 5/17/2012
that was a great story. you really wrote it well. i'm glad you didn't kill off Lizabeth
Shadowhunter536 chapter 32 . 1/30/2011
amazing story. especially liked the ending.
Artemisbeloved chapter 32 . 12/20/2010
forth time i read this story EXELENT vant to se more of this . lotts of sequels plz and i want a story of all the kids growing up to.
sherry57 chapter 32 . 5/24/2010
I just discovered this story yesterday and I couldn't stop reading until the last word. A fantastic story. I loved all the relationships, you got the voices absolutely spot on, the humour, action, hurt, whump, comfort and team care, it was all magic! Thanks for a great, great read.

I started reading this after I read another story that mentionned your story, but know I can't remember which one it was so I'm off to look for it again.
Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 32 . 5/16/2009
Nice bit of work, I have to admit.

The amount of thought you put into the scenes on the hive-ships- as well as the SGC’s subsequent destruction of them- was impressive enough on its own, but as for your thoughts about what happened AFTERWARDS during the rest of their stay on Earth, and the subsequent exploration of Elizabeth’s feelings after he was found to still be alive…

VERY nice bit of work, really.

I wasn’t wild about the Jack/Sam elements, but given that that’s just because of personal preference rather than anything you did wrong yourself- I’m more of a fan of Sam ending up with Daniel personally- I’m willing to put that aside in favour of the central plot.

In general, I just have one central flaw in this story; what was the point in having John be adopted?

I mean, you go to all the effort of bringing his father into the story, it would have been of exceptional length even WITHOUT the parts relating to him reacting to his true parentage, and in the end we don’t even find out what happened to his real parents?

If it had been tied in to some dramatic twist at the end- like maybe the discovery that JACK was his father as the result of some wild teenaged fling he’d had when he was younger and never been told about- it would have made sense; as it was, the adoption idea just seemed pointless.

Still, the last scene was kind of touching (Along with the amusement factor of McKay’s reaction to learning John’s IQ).

Keep up the good work!
janelouise chapter 32 . 10/27/2008
Hi there, I'm really looking forward to reading your story,

especially after reading some of the last chapter (yes, I'm one of those readers who "cheats"! )

Oh but when the kids were introducing themselves to John and Janet Fraser O'Neill gave her name, my heart gave a little squeeze and tears collected in my eyes. That Same and Jack would name their daughter after Janet was such a Wonderful, sweet touch...sigh! Just wanted to tell you.

Well I'm off to read the whole fabulous story!

Sincerely, jane
Space1Traveler chapter 32 . 10/8/2008
I found your fic from the comments of Titan5 in her "Going Home" fic. It is a work of great magnitude and now very special to me. I have laughed and cried, cringed and bit my lip with tension when the whump overcame John. The details you painted as you interwove the show in and around the actions of your characters was genuis. It has been a wonderful experience for me. My favorite parts are the last two chapters. They make the whole reading worth the jouney. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I will read it again and again.
tkelparis chapter 32 . 8/30/2008
This was an incredible journey to follow, and I enjoyed watching John and Elizabeth and company struggle to deal with these changes. (It was nice to not have Michael to deal with this time, and I assume he was killed in the battle over Earth.)

I get John's reluctance to donate, but I think the idea that you're giving the gift that keeps on giving was a wonderful way to put it. You're helping a family have someone to dote on, someone they wanted for a long time, so he did a good thing. (He should've talked Elizabeth into having more children if he wanted to experience more of the joy for himself.) If you plan on another long journey for John and Elizabeth, I'll gladly read it.
Lia3 chapter 9 . 8/7/2008
You had me laughing out loud when they mentioned 'donations'. Sadly, I received some strange looks since I was in the library at the time. Nice writing.
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