Reviews for Windows and Opportunities
Haylie Myers chapter 22 . 9/24/2017
This story is so good. I got sucked right in. You can't end it there. Wish there was more. What happens next? How do they get there bodies back? Are they now children? Does Hammond remember? What about Mark? Would there be information about what happened online? Was it in a seperate timeline? If so does that mean they disappeared? Wish there was more. This was good.
Brian1972 chapter 22 . 3/5/2015
That was a fun read! I would have loved the sequel.
Sonic Serendipity chapter 22 . 1/29/2013
yooouu arrre so mee...

Definitely gonna check for a sequel now! I would read the heck outta that, but even if there isn't one I love this story a lot.
Tony WildRiver chapter 15 . 1/5/2012
Ok, reviewing before the end. This chapter was intensely amusing. I have giggled out loud at various lines of the fic but this chapter was one long grin. Excellent writing _
irezel chapter 22 . 6/12/2011
oh. my. god. this was so brilliant. considering that was one of my favorite episodes, you made a delightful spin off. :)
sniperbob chapter 22 . 4/3/2011
Please write the sequel! I just found this story now and i am hooked. Thank you for writing this
Toraus chapter 22 . 10/11/2010
Awesome story! -
LadyBluePhoenix chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
This is a really good story, I hope you start the sequel soon
LadyBluePhoenix chapter 15 . 8/27/2010
Can Jack Really speak would make sense I suppose if he was stationed there but i dont remeber if it actually is true or if you made it up for this story.
onepiecefreec chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
I love this fic, I've probably read it like ten times! It's awesome!

Dude! You should totally write a sequel to this, cause it always felt just a little unfinished with them not haveing their bodies in the end. And also I thought it would be funny to see how everyone on the base would react to the three of them being younger, especially Janet and the nursing staff reacting to Danny, I think they would totally go all mother hen on him.

So yes, you should definately write a sequel.

(P.S. Shouldn't Hammond remember when he met and helped them in the past, though it could just be that it's been a long time and the memory's fuzzy.)
TheOneThatIsAddictedToHPfics chapter 22 . 3/6/2010
GraspingBlu chapter 22 . 1/29/2010
i love it! great idea for them to begin to revert to children's minds and loose their knowledge!
onepiecefreec chapter 22 . 10/31/2009
Yay, that was awesome! I know it's been a few years, but yo should write a sequel to this, so that you can how the reactions of everyone seeing them as kids and how they are able to get their bodies back.
Dream's Abyss chapter 22 . 10/26/2009
I liked this. Why doesn't General Hammond remember what happened? He did the last time they time traveled.
ClaMiAl chapter 22 . 9/21/2009
This was a great story! Even though it's not labeled as a humour fic I spent most of the time laughing my ass off. And the characterizations of young Jack, Sam, and Daniel were very well done, too!
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