Reviews for Live or Let Die
Monster King chapter 19 . 11/25/2018
Great job
smexyforever chapter 19 . 8/24/2011
oh, i absolutely adore minato the akatsuki leader!
Binksy chapter 19 . 2/23/2011
Good story, although Minato's reasoning for leaving the village was a little strange. I guess grief makes a person do crazy things. However a far more original plot than most “Return of the father” fics I have read. Good work.
ToushirouLover chapter 6 . 2/13/2009


haha i like that.
Pwyllugh chapter 19 . 7/12/2008
this was really beautiful!

And I loved your ending!

It lets everything open and my imagination is turning wild

thank you for this great story!
keirstin lagrone chapter 1 . 5/13/2008
please continue the story it is so good
RakeeshJ4 chapter 1 . 3/12/2008
It starts out nicely, but the ending just doesn't make any sense at all.

You're really railroading the plot here. Minato's reasoning literally makes no sense. Konoha won't accept Naruto if they know he's the Hokage's son? Huh? Asuma and Konohamaru do alright. Minato's solution is to run away and hide? Huh? It's just strange.
Sarinax chapter 19 . 2/26/2008
great story .
Rina chapter 19 . 2/24/2008
Good ending to the story, deffinitly wasn't what I was expecting. Well..that's all I gotta say, sad the fic is over and great job with keeping it up. -Rina
MULAN-IFUWEREGAY chapter 19 . 2/11/2008
this was good
mountainderp chapter 19 . 1/26/2008
:O! ok, so, Minato Pein/Loki... kinda knew that. but, didn't know he had a beard
Serenity Maxwell chapter 19 . 1/21/2008
i was not expecting the end to be then, but you know, it was almost a forshadow, so i like it. very well done.
Elizabeth chapter 7 . 1/21/2008
hey, i think the story is awsome.

idk if you wanted it to be completely fiction or what, but Uzumake Kayaku actually did die and a guy named Pein or something is the leader of akatski
Elizabeth chapter 2 . 1/21/2008
actually the fouth's name is Uzumaki Kayaku.
SerenNoir chapter 19 . 1/21/2008
Nice, calm ending.

Perfect for this type of story. This is really been your longest fic *checks*

So it has!

Haha, awesome job as always.
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