Reviews for A Complete Collection of Cliché Dramione Plots
missmaddiej chapter 7 . 1/2/2015
omg this is great are you planning on getting Hermione pregnant
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2014
btw Hermiones name is... Hermione JEAN Granger
xVampireLoveStoryx chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
Okay, I know it says I'm reviewing chapter one, but I'm not. I have this cool android only fanfiction app, which lets me download fanfics which are available for me to read offline. Awesome right? Anyways, I was cleaning up the over 100 stories I had stored, and viola I see this awesomely summarize fanfiction called (read title of story)! Awesome summary, and even though it says hiatus, it was TOO interesting to leave alone. This thingy is TOO MUCH hilarious! It sums up every dramione I've ever read. I have never read parody category story before, and if they are all like this, then screw the romance and humor! Oh em geee I want yo to UPDATE! I mean, you said a short break... unless you're dead, then I'm sorry for your loss :D anyways, I'm about to check your profile and stories, so if it turns out you aren't dead, then missy, you better come up with one HELL of an apology! In chapter format of 3,000 characters would be great... mwah mwah 3

SimplyCelestial chapter 3 . 8/12/2012
Oh my gosh. This is freaking hilarious:) figurative cookies for you.
Mrs. Regulus Arcturus Black chapter 1 . 11/6/2011
ROFL! Bored yes, but this was the funniest thing I've heard in so long! thank you for the humor.
CheshireCat23 chapter 2 . 8/21/2011
Iris-tPSoLC chapter 7 . 5/29/2011
My stomach hurts from laughter. Are you ever going to finish this? Please, please do! I love it.
PromiseMeYourTragedy chapter 7 . 5/20/2011
Please update. This is hilarious. I've read it straight in one sitting :) Keep up!
SlugClubMember07 chapter 7 . 5/19/2011
I realize it's been years, but PLEASE continue? I have been practically peeing myself for 2 hours over this fic, I NEED MORE. So funny and SO TRUE; all of it. :D
findtheecho chapter 1 . 12/31/2010
You. Are. Amazing. Do the world (and me) a favor and get famous one day. It shouldn't be hard but seriously, publish a book, share your gift. You are hilarious and a genius and I loved this fic from the very first paragraph. In fact, your fic is so good, it's keeping me from finishing my college application.
lee-looN chapter 7 . 9/19/2010
i love this story so much, laugh through the whole thing. Carry on with the funny please :D
cupcakebakingunicorns chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
What the freak was that? I had no idea what was going on that entire time! Were you on some New meds when you wrote this?
stargirl interlude chapter 7 . 5/20/2010
Aha, SO funny :D

I can't believe I just discovered this -_-

And now it's on hiatus.

Hopefully soon it will be OFF hiatus, because this is too funny, I LOVED it :)
Mlle. Madeline chapter 7 . 1/29/2010
Dear Mistress of Craziness,

I am mad at you.

I stumbled upon this and giggled like a lunatic the whole way through; this is without a doubt the most hilarious HP fanfic I've ever read. The way you've written this is totally unorthodox and absolutely brilliant.

Because let's face it, Dramione is really gay and bad authors (zomg LOLZ) suck. And what's better than mocking them? In a certified-genius fashion?

...And it's on hiatus. And has been on hiatus for about seventeen years.

I'm putting you on my alert anyway. Don't disappoint me (because I know you base your happiness and decisions on what I think).

Kay thanks,

Mlle. Madeline
TheHorcruxHunter chapter 1 . 11/16/2009

I read this like last year or something. I was just looking through my favorites and I found it, and immediately started wishing it would go OFF hiatus Dx Because it's high-larious. My cousin and I, two of your biggest fans, still quote it all the time :D
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