Reviews for Tales of a Fifth Grade Nobody
Broadway's Next Baby chapter 19 . 10/1/2014
That was an awesome story! I loved it! Can't wait to read more of your work!
YO YO YO MY NAME IS JOE B3 chapter 16 . 12/21/2011
the beginning of the chapter:

HOLEY CRABAPPLEZ! that justin biebers birthday!


PS my name isnt joe x3
Cheese chapter 12 . 12/20/2011

I like at the end where everybody says "SHUT UP ROGER!" lol love his personailty -
Cheese chapter 11 . 12/20/2011

"Hey Joanne, I have a cool new KEYCHAIN on my BACKPACK. want to see it?"

Angel: OOOOOOOHHH! is it soarkly?

Silverclaw teller of tails chapter 19 . 3/23/2010
That was really good, better than any of the "school" fics I've read before. Why did you make Joanne straight though?
for always forever chapter 19 . 11/11/2009
I'm almost in tears, because this story really hits home for me. I was listening to My Wish, by Rascal Flatts, which is my fifth grade song. i'm in eighth grade now, but i know how middle school can tear friends apart. the great thing is, we know that it wont tear them apart, considering theyre rocking it in Alphabet City ten years from then. (:

amazingg job,

JeNeParlentPasVraimentFrancais chapter 6 . 4/1/2009
i was half-expecting Mimi to start dancing like she does in Out Tonight...hahahahahahahahhaa
JesseMac Girl the Flinda Freak chapter 4 . 11/18/2008
LOL...this is really funny, everything I hoped it would be.

You know, I have to say I can really connect with Mark when he says that no one ever tells him that stuff...and Joanne when she says he wasnt paying attention...the story of my life. LOL.

Yaz chapter 17 . 1/27/2008
“Look! Gummy worms!”

This chapter was so funny! I luv it!
Mini-Chobi chapter 12 . 12/19/2007
Oh... and I was wondering whether or not I could write the middle school sequel? You know... since you're not doing it?
Mini-Chobi chapter 19 . 12/19/2007
:( I've always accepted that in the real thing, they're gonna die of AIDS or something or other... but... but... having them split up like this... WAH!
Mini-Chobi chapter 14 . 12/19/2007

There's a fine, fine, line... between love... and a waste of time!
Mini-Chobi chapter 6 . 12/19/2007
OMG I absolutely love pahtetic and clueless!Roger XD
Ivan the Bear chapter 19 . 11/23/2007
You are the best at writing about the bohos. I seriously think you should do a middle school fic about them...and then a high school one...because you are simply an amazing writer! ...that and I miss reading about their school days and I wanna see them all get together!
Juliee chapter 19 . 2/17/2007
Omg omg omg! Wait. does 6th grade here i cum mean that therez gonna be mor? Pleez say therez mor, i've been readin tales of a fifth grade nobody & Days in the life of a five year old since the beginning, I REALLY need mor. And wtf? Y r they splitting up u mean mean heartless person! Bring them back 2gether! NOW! Srry..just realy want mor. Make it happen! You kno u can.
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