Reviews for Four Men
Winter-Rae chapter 1 . 9/8/2008
All I can say is amen to that!

I totally agree with you. Gotta love those four.

This was a really great little piece for them. It makes me want to write somethign for them now!

Nice work, I loved it!

Keep it up!

Winter-Rae xoxo
dreamsofanangel chapter 1 . 8/24/2007
Cool story! I LOVE Fuery, he is adorable and innocent! Thank you for aknowledging him!
thebookhobbit chapter 1 . 3/10/2007
yay! you're right, the "main" characters would be in a lot of awful jams if it wasn't for these awsome guys. I appluade this idea and this fic. keep up the good work. -aliveinchrist13
Godell chapter 1 . 2/25/2007
*whistles* Well done. HOORAY FOR THE FOUR UNTOLD SOLDIERS! *adds to favorites* Thanks for reviewing my other fic, by the way!
Random Projects chapter 1 . 2/19/2007
Totally agree with you. I had always really wanted to know why Fury is in the millitary and what's up with Breda and dogs. There are practically no stories about them (unless it's humor) and it's getting kind of annoying...

Thanks for writing this fic!
Griselda Banks chapter 1 . 2/13/2007
M, too true, too true. While everyone's rushing after His Hotness Roy Mustang, nobody quite seems to realize Havoc, Breda, Falman, and Fury even exist! Outside of light comic relief and such, I mean. I've always wondered what made them follow Mustang so loyally. Havoc says early on that Mustang's promotion quest "isn't the only reason we follow him", so obviously he knows something of why Mustang wants to get to the top. I wonder what the circumstances might have been in which Mustang chose those four men to follow him.

I like Fury the best out of the four, mainly because his puppy-dog eyes are so cute in Episode 37 of the anime, when he's pleading with Mustang to come with them on their little test of bravery. But after reading the chapters in the manga where these four men are featured more prominently, I've come to like them a lot more.

Good job on the fic, and here's hoping for a more serious look on Mustang's subordinates in the future!
Rei-Sanjo chapter 1 . 12/30/2006
I thought I was the only one who thought that! So brilliant of you to turn it into an actual fic! Im sure that if it weren't for those four, I wouldn't have continued watching the show. Great concept.
Rambie chapter 1 . 9/8/2006
Squee! -luff- could Fuery be under-loved? D: He's damnably cute.
Yari-kun chapter 1 . 9/2/2006
i love it!So true and amazingly written!
jaderaid chapter 1 . 8/25/2006
YES! Thank you for this! Fuery, Falman, Breda, and Havoc are totally under-appreciated, and I love how you have 'our' with a capital 'O'... that made me laugh! (then again, that's not very hard to do...) I do have to say that i think Maria Ross and Denny Bloch/Brosh could also fit into this category... :( Poor secondary characters... *sigh*

WELL, THAT'S WHY US FANFICTION AUTHORS EXIST! TO GIVE EXTRA SCREENTIME TO OUR OTHER CHARACTERS! And that does bring up a good pojnt... why IS Breda afraid of dogs? Bad childhood experiences? Hmm... I think I shall have a friend of mine who wants to be a shrink psyco-analize him. And my Falman~ I LIKE-A DA FALMAN! (sorry, long story behind that, ignore me) And poor Havoc *hugs Jean* AND FUERY! *hugs Kain* Yes, I'm sorry, I have a slight obsession with the dogs of the military... You're completely right; Roy or Riza or Edo wouldn't be as lovable without those four to back them up.

Thanks for the great read!

Jade Rhade
Purple Mccoy chapter 1 . 8/2/2006
Go Dogs of the military!.I'm writting a fanfic centered around them wish me luck. I need all the inspiration to compleate it. Oh and Good job writting a tribute to these guys
Ceasefire chapter 1 . 7/31/2006
*insta-faves* I loved it. :D
havocmangawip chapter 1 . 7/28/2006
Hm... can you guess who my favorite is? Yes. Havoc, and Breda... and the REST of the Tachi too.

The manga does them the best justice.
Kain Fuery chapter 1 . 7/28/2006
Finally I've waited for a story like this. It's a real thought provoker. And your right. why would a sweet person like Fuery ever join the millitary?
hmmingbird chapter 1 . 7/27/2006
I feel very guilty for using them as a plot device now.

You summed it up well. They deserve more stories about them because they are very intriguing characters. It was only through writing them as secondarys that I began to realize how much I really like them, Havoc in particular. They can be used as so much more than extras. And why are they so loyal to Roy Mustang? It is a rather curious thing that I’ve seen no one attempt to explain.
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