Reviews for Captain Miserable Finds the Greener Grass
Guest chapter 40 . 7/2
this fic is still my favorite fanfic of all time. has been for over a decade now. life is tough and everything in the world is srsly hoping u r doing fine. even if u upload 1 chapter every 3 yrs i wouldnt mind. ive been rereading this fic constantly anyways.
take care wherever you are. upload when u feel like it. take it easy.
shoeterfly chapter 40 . 12/22/2019
May I recommend Archive of our Own? It has a fantastic tagging system!
Guest chapter 40 . 4/5/2019
I CANNOT BELIEVE I hopped on to read this again as a little pick-me-up after a rough day and my heart stopped when I saw that little 40 in place of the old 39! I’m so excited you’re still around, life happens! Even if it’s not this fic I’m glad you’re still writing, and I’m the meantime I patiently await the update 3

As for social media suggestions, I’d say Tumblr for the blog and maybe a Twitter!
Guest chapter 40 . 2/28/2019
it’s a goddang miracle! i’ve been waiting for u to update...for a linglong happy to have u back!
Informal Anthropology chapter 40 . 2/27/2019
Wah! I saw this update and thought my stories were sorted wrong or something... But no it's real! I'm looking forward to continuing this story and I'm glad to hear you're still kicking!
d'elfe chapter 40 . 2/27/2019
I am having so much fun with this story !
Looking forward to the next update :)
Miraia chapter 40 . 2/26/2019
No way you're really back! You have no idea how excited I am. your story is amazing and when it cut out a couple years ago I remember being super bummed. Best of luck and hope to see you soon!
Sebbi chapter 40 . 2/26/2019
Great to hear from you! Good luck with all the writing, and more importantly, with life! Hang in there :)
anreg chapter 40 . 2/25/2019
Wonderful to hear from you! Life happens. l always enjoy reading what you write. (Finally remembered my moniker...after I left the anon message on your LJ.)
Youko-Demon chapter 40 . 2/25/2019
Thank you for not abandoning this fic. I can honestly say that this is my favourite fanficion. I’m not even joking. Ever since I first found it, I keep going back and re-reading it. I really do get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
I can’t really put it into words myself but sometimes daydreaming about this fic and the way it could go is one of the only ways to get through some difficult situations.
Whatever happens, I just want to thank you. I know you probably didn’t set out to help someone with anxiety like that but you really are a light in my life.
Reignva chapter 40 . 2/25/2019
I was eating breakfast when I got the email, and I swear my heart just did a huge jump xD the format was a little wonky so I may have misunderstood, but I gathered that you were planning on finishing the fic (yaaaaaay!) and you're trying to find another platform to post on? either way, I'm happy that you're alive and okay! looking forward to rereading and enjoying the next chapter! w
Crackerjackalope chapter 39 . 11/29/2017
I will assume you rarely, if ever, check this account anymore. But I'd like to say that I love your writing-Captain Miserable could be a published story if you changed a few details, and I think it would do well. Chances are it will never be finished, because it's been five years, but I really liked it.
Larie-chan chapter 34 . 12/7/2015
Tokio was very mature and wise with her phone call to her dad. I appreciate that. It shows that you care about her as a character to develop that type of depth. And Saitou's tenderness towards her; absolutely lovely.
And of course Saitou and Eiji being little shits to each other (also known as bonding) is a delight to read.
I know I could just devour the rest of this work tonight, but I need to be an adult and do other things besides indulge in this fancy. It will be a test of will to not spend the rest of the evening read this though!
Larie-chan chapter 33 . 12/7/2015
Awww, those policemen are already starting to corrupt poor Eiji and Saitou turns out to be gruffly caring and cute!
And YAS! What a happy little, weird, dysfunctional, sometimes violent, still caring family!
Larie-chan chapter 32 . 12/6/2015
Yay! It's Eiji! I was wondering if he'd make an appearance (hid brother's name only rang a faint bell) but I'm happy he's here! It will be interesting to see how he fits into this family
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