Reviews for in waking
MelanisticLeopard chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
A bit strangely written-but still enjoyable. Sasuke's a hard character to write! :) I could totally see him counting. & then denying the true reason to himself.

I LOVE it when authors get a character IC

How does Sasuke not crash with his hard training schedule & no sleep?
A Fan chapter 1 . 1/3/2010
Huh, that was a bit mind-numbingly paced, but the effect is great. You got Sasuke's angst down phat! :)

The idea of him literally counting days does fit in with the obsessive personality and the constant need to be alert, as he's amongst enemies. This was overall a very enjoyable little read.
Siaqii chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
This is shiny and very IC
kashii chapter 1 . 5/10/2008
Is there any significance to the days you chose to mention?
Ipsius chapter 1 . 2/18/2008
I love this story. It's my favorite of your Naruto fics. I love the freshness of the language, the flow, the way the days are numbered. I love how it starts all over again at the end, as though Sasuke realizes he's only gone in a circle because he still can't forget Naruto. Favorite line, hands down: /In the morning he realises that he has been counting the days and vows to stop, even as something in his core breathes with an implacable calm, three hundred and sixty-six./

It's angsty in the best way, which is subtly.
redcat512 chapter 1 . 1/14/2008
i liked this story a lot. parts of it were a little unclear, but i love the way it flows anyway. great job.
Ghostlanxx chapter 1 . 11/25/2007

soo twisted

loved the fic

caught Sasuke very well (and it's hard to catch him... I keep chasing, but he's such an emo brooding bastard that he always slips away with a tsk... and I can't finish my fic for so loong because of him...)
Animeaddict666 chapter 1 . 11/6/2007
I really enjoyed your use of language. Quite talented and refreshing. So many jewels of description...Think my favorites were: "...a reverberating jolt from temple to medulla oblongata to temple." and "...he realises that he has been counting the days and vows to stop, even as something in his core breathes with an implacable calm, three hundred and sixty-six."

You are a genius. Thanks for the wonderful read.
Blonde-Existentialist chapter 1 . 7/10/2007
Si its angsty, but pleasently so. Good writing, nice touch with framing the time.
Asuka Kureru chapter 1 . 12/7/2006
... wow. NICE. Nice as in WAHH I WANT TO CRY. ;.;

Really nice job. I loved the structure, the prose was very efficient, evocative and, well, pretty, the characterization made me purr, and the understated angst was simply delicious. Very effective. pr.
CircadianDance chapter 1 . 8/21/2006
I really enjoyed the day by day of Sasuke's. And yes, I do believe the default setting for avengers is angst x3

kumiya chapter 1 . 8/13/2006

I just read 3 of your fics today (one I reread) and I have concluded that you are amazing.

Absolutely amazing!

There are few who can write with this kind of quality. Your style has a natural, underlying gentle (and a little dark but which is very apparent in your agnst) tone to it. It's very beautiful. It's all nice and smooth. And your descriptions ("Naruto is glinting gold and shining lapis") seriously bring in the full blown images. Not just plain ones but pictures shining beautifully. This goes for your other fic "ways" as well, but I was too dumbstruck then to review properly...

excellent job. You've completed a feat equivalent to scaling both Mt. Everest and K2 in the same day (plus walking the distance between both).
Azamiko chapter 1 . 8/10/2006
I always lose track of days...
Fading wind chapter 1 . 8/10/2006
Yay. I'm reviewing another one of your fics. Happy? D

"... and his palms scream for want of something hit or maim or touch." I think you need a 'to' between 'something' and 'hit', right? That's the only mistake I can spot in this fic at the moment.

"Kabuto does the cooking; it could be worse, Sasuke supposes." The makes me giggle. A lot.

Again, beautiful use of metaphors. I love your descriptions and choice of words. The angst is very well-done. And I just love it. I'm running out of praises to sing.

I've decided to stalk you for future SasuNaru fics. Muahahaha. Ahem. No, I'm not an evil stalker and I will not plague you. I'll just be a nice reader and reviewer, m'kay? D

mewling chapter 1 . 8/10/2006
I'm reviewing like you told me to but I can't think of anything to say. I love your disclaimer.

Well written, but you know that anyway, and sometimes the metaphors and descriptions you use are completely balmy, or complete genius. In short: Confusing as hell.
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