Reviews for Cat Scratch Fever
Prabhleen Arora chapter 17 . 9/11
Amazing Story
Guest chapter 15 . 10/31/2014
I absolutely hate how Wilson tries to act lime an all knowing expert genius yet he cheats on every wife he's had.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/31/2014
"You can visit him anytime." F ing kidding me?
Guest chapter 6 . 10/31/2014
She hasn't apologized! Seriously fuck that.
kurononaka78 chapter 17 . 9/12/2014
This was a great story! I definitely see a re-read at some point in the future! Thanks for all of your hard work!
xxkizixx chapter 6 . 12/13/2012
Okay, that song was so so so funny I had to review. I'm loving this story, I really can't wait to find out what Cameron's reasons were (I have an inkling but want to see the truth!).

Keep it up!
Shootingstar7123 chapter 17 . 1/5/2011
This is one of the best-written and most touching stories I've read on this site. Kudos to you, and thank you for sharing your story with all of us.
BetweenTwoWorlds chapter 17 . 2/21/2009 was so cute! You did a great job w/ it! I loved it! Amazing!
TrapperII chapter 17 . 10/8/2008
I really enjoyed this story. If I had known it was a "baby fic" before I started reading it, I probably wouldn't have read it, because baby fics can be so unrealistic. But you had me hooked from the beginning. You portrayed perfectly just how difficult it would be for House to make the transition from Total Ass to Father. You made his immense emotional baggage really come alive, and I think it was very realistic that he wouldn't be capable of asking Cameron to stay the first time and that only the imminent threat of her leaving a second time could induce him to admit anything.
Sophies-Welt chapter 17 . 9/16/2008
Wow, such a sweet story!
LindaZ chapter 17 . 6/14/2008
Amazing fanfic. Very well-written, very in character, and also emotionally moving. You write House better than anyone. Keep up the good work.
redmug chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Amazing story! Read it all in one sitting :) And I loved the anecdotes at the end of each chapter. You are a great writer!
horsefly chapter 5 . 3/13/2008
I'm really enjoying your story. This sentence made me lol: "He was pretty sure the kid wasn’t asking for a juicy steak."
bears434 chapter 17 . 2/4/2008
this is an awesome house fic! you definitely spread that angst throughout the whole story until the very end xD
A Perfect Lie chapter 17 . 12/15/2007
Aw. That was so sweet. I've got the warm fuzzies inside. You're an awesome writer, Mikki, and this story is fantastic. Thanks!
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