Reviews for Sacrifice
Guest chapter 16 . 9/18
So Dean, you think I could live with that? Knowing you died to protect me?”

Actually there is proof Sam is fine, in fact, comfortable with Dean dead. Exhibit A- Sam hanging out with demons (aka the creatures that torture Dean in H***) Exhibit B-Sam moving in with a woman while Dean is stuck in Purgatory
Guest chapter 2 . 9/18
What do you mean, protecting me? “

He says this to the man that literally raised him. Sam is painfully ungrateful. From S1 to series end.
Guest chapter 16 . 11/21/2018
I always loved dean and johns bond dean took on the job of hunter and its something his very good at and he gets to save lifes sam was selfish always will be, he only cared bout himself pently of moments through all the seasons that prove how selfish sam is and how selfless dean is, sam done nothing but hate on his dad start fights bring dean in to the fights and course trouble all because he WANTED.

On top of that when jess a girlfriend of 2 years was killed he became obsessed with hunting the demon yet hated his dad for doing the same thing when said demon killed his WIFE of MORE then 2 years!
Trucklady53 chapter 16 . 10/3/2017
I think you did a great job in both making the angst each was feeling relevant and each of their reasons and thoughts were very believable and I think dead on. I am glad you continued on with writing and got more confidence in your writing abilities. You have a definite talent and I for one am enjoying all the stories. Maybe I am not the best to critique because any story about the brothers and John keeping them true to the Winchesters, well I am just a happy camper then.
Guest chapter 16 . 9/8/2016
Oh my god. So sad, and satisfying, amd. Urg..., perfect.!
Anna chapter 16 . 4/1/2016
This was really good! Only thing that stuck out to me was how the end seemed kinda unfitting and a how the last few chapters were repetitive. Deans character was also not exactly what I pictured but other than that this story was a amazing and extremely well written!
LaRieNGuBleR chapter 16 . 5/20/2015
'Sammy, remember me. When you get where you want to be and find I no longer belong in your new life, at least remember me, cause you'll always be the center of my life, wherever you are.'
Damn, I have tear forming in my eyes just from this one alone. (T T) Thank you for the story, it was a good one.
pipinheart chapter 16 . 3/1/2015
A great piece..good thing Dean was it!
SpnHemelLass chapter 2 . 11/10/2014
Okay, here his reaction to Sammy leaving makes more light of what you have written here. I happen to be reading two really good fanfictions at the same time on different sites (ever been to Dean Damage dot com?) and I just happen to like the other story's approach to Dean's reaction to Sammy wanting to go to college and how the OFC in that story handles it a bit better. Your story is great in its own right though, so don't get me wrong. I do really like this story or I wouldn't keep reading it like I am. Juggling two stories at the same time isn't real wise I suppose, but I love 1st season-ish stories, so there ya go!
SpnHemelLass chapter 1 . 11/10/2014
Rough start...I don't think Dean would have felt betrayed, learning that Sam wanted to go to college. I think he would already have known...probably even have helped and encouraged him. I think he only got angry after his Dad spat out the ultimatum about "If you go, keep going and don't come back." I think Dean has always wanted the best for Sammy, even when it tore his guts apart that his baby bro wanted to leave him...wanted something else, something he thought was better, but that is just me and that's why they call this fan fiction...because this is your story, not mine! So don't take my take too's just a different opinion and I find your view of it fascinating and I will be reading on! Thanks for sharing!
SpnHemelLass chapter 16 . 10/15/2014
Yes, I think you made sense of all the anguish and turmoil of each of the three Winchester's. You game very good reasons and reasoning for how they each behaved and fleshed out the characters we saw in season one very, very well. Excellent job! Thanks for sharing, truly...thank you. It takes courage to post what you write...I know as I used to do that here on fanfiction dot net...another fandom though because I've only been a Supernatural fan for a couple of months!
SpnHemelLass chapter 14 . 10/15/2014
Wow! That was powerful. I had an English teacher like that, but he didn't die and he was a man. Mr. Mahlberg, I still miss him. He got me, you know? Great writing. Bet you had a special English teacher to at some point, hey?
SpnHemelLass chapter 11 . 10/15/2014
Was that perchance the were that bit him? I'm probably wrong, but I just got a weird vibe off this encounter...very good writing.
SpnHemelLass chapter 10 . 10/15/2014
Sorry I haven't reviewed this before, but I was being a hog and reading as fast as my arthritis in my back and neck would allow with the rain finally coming today. I am really enjoying this a pain-filled sort of way. I love Dean and you write him so well. And this story...Damn! Great work author!
HeroicDean chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
What a great start! I wish the show would delve into what exactly happened that night that Sam left because it absolutely promises to be a riveting watch. I don't think Sam, in his hurry to escape, thought about Dean at all. He was so focused on his plans, and his future that he didn't stop to think about what it would do to his brother. Like Dean said, it was the worst night of his life when Sam left.

'You're my brother. That won't ever change.'

Except that it did. When Sam left, they didn't talk for two years. From reading John's journal, you know that was Dean's decision and can you imagine the kind of hurt he was going through to completely cut off contact with Sam?
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